Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [adv] [adv] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 5 ) In order to keep his underwriting costs to a minimum , the bidder will normally wish to shut-off the cash underwritten alternative as soon as practicable .
2 It produced the coal for 80 per cent of Britain 's electricity , so , like the CEGB , it had a direct interest in denying the effects of acid rain , or at least delaying action as long as possible .
3 It is important to observe behaviour as accurately as possible because the more accurate the observation the more this helps you to place a valid interpretation on what you have seen or heard .
4 He stressed that people should also seek advice as early as possible if they feel they are getting into financial difficulties .
5 All of this is totally incomprehensible to the woman , who wants unification as soon as possible .
6 It is important to assist the patient to change position regularly while in bed and to encourage ambulation as quickly as possible to assist the circulation .
7 In the tense climate of postwar eastern Europe , the new powers expediently circumnavigated the full truth of their citizens ' wartime collaboration and atrocities in order to consolidate power as quickly as possible .
8 Lord Justice MacDermott said he would give judgement as soon as possible .
9 Finally , the restructuring school conceptualizes industry more clearly as capitalist .
10 However , my hair is beginning to look rather dull and I 'd like to get it back to peak condition as soon as possible .
11 This is often linked with a supposed denunciatory effect — the idea that the mandatory life sentence denounces murder as emphatically as possible — and with a supposed general deterrent effect , in declaring that there is no mitigation of sentence available for this crime .
12 The Red Army units had their own dynamic and their own imperative — to reach Kaledin as swiftly as possible , regardless of peasant opinion .
13 The main emphasis was on encouraging the use of evidence extracted from former Mafia members , who would now give evidence as far as possible in front of the judge alone [ for other provisions see p. 38979 ] .
14 Repealers tended to view sex not merely as male-defined but as male , while women were promoted as the agents regulating immorality — powerful but asexual guardians of the nation 's morals .
15 My only blurred thought was to reach shelter as soon as possible and the good belay spelt one word — abseil .
16 In the event , however , the groups which came to power in most of these countries determined to restore capitalism as quickly as possible , encouraged in this course by the swarms of ‘ free-marketeers ’ who descended upon them , notably from the US , Britain , Germany and the International Monetary Fund .
17 The basic philosophy involves farming as far as possible within a closed system : in a nutshell , growing crops to feed the animals and using the manure those animals produce to fertilize the soil in order to grow more crops .
18 While the revocation of a parole licence is a relatively rare occurrence , this type of decision in the new scheme will become commonplace , and it is to be hoped that the Court will address the policy questions and give guidance as early as possible after the implementation of the Act .
19 It was even more important to know when evil gods would be in charge so as to avoid trouble as far as possible by doing nothing at such times .
20 The problem will be aggravated by the way that people have recently been using credit more heavily than usual to finance what they buy ( see figures earlier in this chapter ) .
21 It is suggested that a barcode system for labels is the only practicable way forward , and the Garden should invest in the barcoding software and printing equipment as soon as possible .
22 At the meeting , convened to discuss closer ties , the ministers were reported to have agreed to extend membership as rapidly as possible to other states of eastern Europe ( Bulgaria had been admitted in May — see p. 38930 — while Hungary had joined in 1990 and Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1991 ) and to applicant countries which were formerly part of the Soviet Union .
23 The new DEClease offerings comprise the OpenVMS Alpha Migration Lease for users that need an OpenVMS VAX but plan to migrate to Alpha at some point , and the OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade Lease for those that wish to incorporate Alpha as soon as possible , but want top-end computing today .
24 Clare served supper early so that four-year-old Josh could stay up late and eat with them .
25 A pupil who is making a constant effort to use vision as fully as possible in school tasks may sometimes find this effort to be somewhat of an overload when his or her general level of well-being is low , for instance , when suffering from a cold or feeling particularly tired .
26 creating a self-supporting framework which encourages and enables the children to operate independently of the teacher , thus freeing the teacher to use time as productively as possible ;
27 The Nationalist and Uhuru were not commercial propositions , neither were they intended to be — they existed to give TANU and its government a mouthpiece both within Tanzania and in the outside world — but both were losing money more heavily than anticipated .
28 [ The government ] is convinced that it can be done only by delegating responsibility as closely as possible to where health care is delivered to the patient — predominantly to the GP and the local hospital .
29 The designer attempts to reduce friction as far as possible , so most stepping motor systems have very little inherent damping and consequently a poorly.damped single-step response .
30 This went back to the development of working-class antipathy to Thomas Malthus , who was seen as giving scientific justification to ruling-class opposition to reform , for after all the aim of his famous moral restraint was to convince the working class to postpone marriage as long as possible .
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