Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The patronage of Sir Edward Phelips [ q.v. ] probably brought him admission to the Middle Temple ( 1614 ) , James I gave him fee-farm rents in sixteen counties ( 1619–24 ) , and he became clerk extraordinary to the Privy Council ( 1624–40 ) .
2 It was all becoming depressinglv similar to the mournful experiences of every Allied offensive on the Western Front .
3 There is wind-surfing equipment available on the adjoining beach in high season ( charge payable locally ) .
4 At its centre stands labourism coterminous with the Labour Party , from which we move out successively to trade unionism , the working class and finally bourgeois society .
5 The Guardian , The Observer and The Sunday Times are seeking a ruling that temporary injunctions handed down by a 3-2 House of Lords majority in 1987 , banning publication of details from the memoirs of an ex-MI5 officer , Peter Wright , were unnecessary prior restraints on free speech that breached Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights .
6 Lawyers for the relatives have spent the last two years arguing that the Government breached Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights , which guarantees the ‘ right to life ’ .
7 They will need advice direct from the nearest G M B office .
8 Reliance was placed on Director of Public Prosecutions v. Ellis [ 1973 ] 1 W.L.R. 722 , where it was held that the fact that two accused persons had been prosecuted to conviction did not mean that the purposes of Part I of the Act , namely securing compliance with and detecting evasion of the Act , were spent ; and that accordingly it was still open to the authorities to employ their powers to obtain information relative to the same transaction from another person .
9 The programme has increase six-fold in the last 10 years and employs more than 2000 scientists at four establishments as well as commissioning research outside .
10 In the case the issue arose in relation to an order made against a firm of solicitors under section 27 of the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 , which incorporates section 10 of the 1984 Act .
11 And filmmakers like Brunel , Asquith and Powell worried about the loss of camera mobility and editing flexibility inevitable with the early sound technology .
12 An article in the People 's Daily on 25 December describing dazibao and demonstrations as quite ‘ undemocratic ’ and causing chaos similar to the Cultural Revolution angered students .
13 In which George also uses Creation 6 for the Duomatic and Vario machines .
14 We will repeal Section 28 of the 1988 Local Government Act .
15 We will revitalise Section 4 of the 1968 Theft Act , i.e. the crime of gaining property and pecuniary advantage by deception , and apply it to the activities of Life Assurance salesmen .
16 no two users should be able to edit text subordinate to the same main headword simultaneously .
17 Hymne D'Amour turned Division One of the Shifnal Novices Hurdle into a procession .
18 Er to come before two o'clock we 've got part three of the strange things that people do around Nottinghamshire to pass the time .
19 Mantle plumes add CO 2 to the atmosphere-hydrosphere system , while sediment subduction removes it .
20 On Sept. 27 Mulroney appealed to Queen Elizabeth II , Canada 's head of state , for permission to use an arcane clause of the 1867 British North America Act to create an extra eight Senate seats , in order to avoid Article 42 of the 1982 Patriation of the Constitution Act [ see p. 31312 ] .
21 And the deal between Apple Computer Inc and Echo Logic Inc on the latter 's application translation technology should make a raft of Mac applications available for the new machines .
22 Lots of inquiries about Foster and Allen they 're coming on the programme later they 've just got number one for the first time with their new video with their new single I do n't know I 'm not quite sure we 'll find out when they get here well they 've just got number one for the first time and they 've been trying hard for a long time .
23 Lots of inquiries about Foster and Allen they 're coming on the programme later they 've just got number one for the first time with their new video with their new single I do n't know I 'm not quite sure we 'll find out when they get here well they 've just got number one for the first time and they 've been trying hard for a long time .
24 He notes that industrial societies , as they have become more affluent , have shifted employment first from the primary sector ( principally agriculture and the extractive industries ) to the secondary sector ( manufacturing ) , and then from the secondary sector into the tertiary ( service ) sector .
25 We modify Assumption 5 in the following way to take this into account .
26 In a cordial team atmosphere , the work involves extracting information such as the biological source of sequences and regions of interest within them ( e.g. , coding regions , promoters ) from scientific reports .
27 Those who saw the 30 yard putt she holed stone dead at the eighth , or her playing of the 18th , where she hit a glorious seven iron to ten feet before holing for her birdie , could be forgiven for wondering what on earth she was talking about .
28 His chairman 's address to the Institute 's north-west section on ‘ The Discovery of Polythene ’ became no. 1 in the RIC lecture series ( 1964 ) .
29 If you want UV treatment as well as filtration , a built-in or easy-fit dedicated unit keeps installation simple throughout the whole system .
30 But fusion was at the time buried beneath a blanket of secrecy : not open to the usual processes of review that attend research available for the scientific community to read the scientific papers and arrive at their own interpretation of the results .
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