Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] 're [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How do we know you 're telling the truth ? ’
2 ‘ How do I know you 're telling the truth ?
3 1 comb ( for moment when you look into a magnificent eighteenth-century 18′ x 18′ mirror and suddenly realise you 're letting the whole place down with your unkempt hair )
4 Ask for motivation : ‘ How come you 're mentioning the report now ? ’
5 And they say they 're lobbying the government for more cash to build new premises .
6 Police say they 're determined the catch the latest attacker .
7 Small businesses which have been losing trade to a new supermarket say they 're dreading the opening of a second one nearby , this autumn .
8 Trading standards officers say they 're losing the battle against computer game pirates who cost the industry twenty million pounds a year .
9 Trading standards officers say they 're losing the battle against computer game pirates who cost the industry twenty million pounds a year .
10 British Gas say they 're investigating the possibility that a fire had been left on , and unlit , all night .
11 Detective say they 're treating the death as suspicious .
12 He goes and knocks people 's door and says you 're blocking the pavement !
13 But they could n't be that stupid , Vi reasoned derisively as she nodded to Sister Annunciata and called , ‘ Father says you 're to make the tea . ’
14 It 's got nothing to do when multiplying You 're multiplying the top by X go on .
15 She says we 're taking the incident very seriously .
16 Lal says we 're to keep the money .
17 I 'm agreeably surprised to see it 's three thousand , I hope we 're getting the quality of advice that is necessary for such a large organisation .
18 A spokesman for Tarmac says they 're taking the vandalism seriously , but ’ they do n't know how the damage occured and they 've called in there own security advisers to investigate .
19 Very early on I realised you 're entrusted the history and spirit of the Squadron .
20 I mean you 're doing the cake for a wedding present .
21 Subtle control — you get the work done , everybody 's happy and you do n't realize you 're getting the work done . ’
22 ‘ I 'll have you know you 're insulting the woman I love .
23 ‘ I assume you 're using the word ‘ nice ’ in the true sense of ‘ neat ’ , as in the neatly ruthless deals I 'm sure he 's notorious for clinching , or the neat asset-stripping technique which I dare say he 's renowned for ? ’
24 But this is immediately dispelled when you hear them , when you know they 're taking the temperature of the times .
25 Wh while you 're on that madam chairman , I 've had two persons er contact me as regarding , you know playing field and er it 's a no go for dogs is n't it , and th and we therefore the people have mentioned they had to go down the side of the playing field onto the onto the old , and er have we an obligation to er to pave not pave it but er make it , it 's a very steep bank , a very steep old ladies dare n't go down , and they know they 're breaking the law by taking the dog in the in the er recreation ground , and I just wondered whether we had an obligation to er .
26 A creak comes out of the receiver , and I know they 're opening the door .
27 If you 're saying you 're buying the butter solely for me , then I just want me solely to eat it .
28 Suppose you 're decorating the living-room , insulating the loft , or knocking two rooms into one .
29 even just to like I feel we 're doing the research do you know what I mean ?
30 I suppose they 're making the money .
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