Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] 're [adj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Today the couple say they 're relieved the case is finally over .
2 As an appeal is launched to save the starving millions in Africa , charity chiefs say they 're confident the public will still give , despite the competing claims from other disasters in the world .
3 The widow had wanted the house to be opened to the public — the trustees say they 're sorry the owner 's dying wish was denied , but it was n't legally binding .
4 Turkish diplomats say they 're hopeful the couple will be freed unharmed after more than a week in captivity .
5 Magistrates say they 're worried the government 's attitude to cautioning may mean an end to this local initiative .
6 Ther athletes both say they 're glad the swimming is over and it 's now down hill all the way to the end
7 I think it 's possible to make a bit of money but at at at the rate you know I feel we 're all the time putting the cart before the horse .
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