Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adj] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Variations Tweed and Highland were each updated with two new colours , keeping them abreast of the latest trends in colour and furnishing styles .
2 Thus , it is contrary to natural justice to inform an individual of only one complaint against him if there are two , or to find him guilty of a different offence from the one he was actually charged with .
3 She had an exhaustive knowledge of Sunday Schools and it was depressing to find him full of the same bogus affability that she detected on every Sabbath of the year .
4 Kenneth Andrew Sanderson , of Wallace Avenue , Huyton , was sentenced in January 1991 after a Southampton Crown Court jury found him guilty of the two robberies for each of which he received seven years , concurrent ; he got six months concurrent for an admitted burglary .
5 But it has made us aware of the crusted , jewel-bright variety of Latin America behind things that more often lump its nations together .
6 ‘ The Society can help keep them abreast of the latest news and put them in touch with others who have similar interests . ’
7 We hope that this Update will keep you abreast of the latest developments in assessment and related issues .
8 Barney might experience flashes of impatience and anger , say and do things he would later regret , but she could not believe him capable of the blind , destructive hatred that had driven the knife into Angy 's throat .
9 Why not view that skinhead ideology from a new perspective , for I think it brings us closer to understanding what motivates their hate instead of pumping us full of the old clichés about how inhuman they are …
10 Maggie asked breathlessly , sitting wide-eyed and making no move to stop him when his hands went to her hair and pulled it free of the restraining band .
11 In these heady days , Gould 's greed surpassed even his own bounds and made him capable of an ungentlemanly lack of sportsmanship .
12 I will not suppose them guilty of a direct intention of striking us , particularly if they had any idea of the danger of such a proceeding , for the cliff rose much more than a hundred feet above us , and even a very small stone would have fatal effect by striking the head .
13 He succeeded in doing so , but confided afterwards that no single examiner thought me worthy of a first , but when the marks were added up , mine were within a few marks of those who were obviously in the first class , and so my name was added to the list of three others .
14 Henry III 's interpretation of the Charter of the Forest was rejected by his subjects , who thought him guilty of a flagrant breach of the promises made by the Charter .
15 When it opened in 1931 , erected on 22,000 concrete piles to lift it clear of the water-sodden ground , it already sported its own blast furnace , foundry , jetty and power station .
16 I thought it plucky of the Labour party to sing Jerusalem at one of Mr Kinnock 's beanos last week .
17 We may think it hard-hearted of a Hagerhai woman to eat an animal that she once suckled , but at least the pig was recognised as an individual when it was alive — was even loved .
18 Salt is effective by stimulating the taste buds of the tongue and making them aware of the basic tastes of the food being eaten .
19 Nasser 's lower-middle-class background contributed to the widening of his political interests beyond those imaginable to the fellahin , the peasantry ; while at the same time making him aware of the latter 's situation , and the political and economic oppression suffered .
20 From the moment he had come to power , Napoleon III had made it plain that for him the problem of Paris was not simply one of creating prosperity for its inhabitants ; rather it was one of transforming and embellishing the city in such a way as to make life better for its inhabitants while simultaneously making it worthy of the new France .
21 It is hoped that within two years Mr Stott will lead a management buy-out of the People , making it independent of the other Mirror titles .
22 It took Everton only 15 minutes to get their noses in front when Mark Ward made the opening for Matt Jackson to burst between two defenders and pull the ball back for Cottee to steer it wide of the helpless Mark Crossley .
23 He will make us aware of the great hardships some people have to endure when they realise that to become a Catholic means making a tremendous sacrifice in their present lives .
24 This throws a more realistic light on the spectacular statistics and glowing reports of widespread conversions , and it should make us wary of the forced professions and the hot-house wonders of superficial evangelistic movements .
25 is a marvellous new publication which is specifically for parents of pre-school children , to make them aware of the Catholic network of schools provided for them .
26 PASSIONATE songs and groovy diversions and a voice that cracks and soars and makes you aware of the rich possibilities of your lot , instead of burying your feelings in a horrible , orthodox genre .
27 Statistical representativeness is not , of course , assured simply by means of large numbers ; a large sample , running into several hundreds or thousands may be selected in a way which makes it unrepresentative of the general population , while a small sample may , conversely , meet more precisely the criterion of representativeness .
28 Literature is regarded as distinct from all other uses of language , since only literature ( by being non-referential ) makes us aware of the true ( i.e. Saussurean ) nature of language .
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