Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] the [noun prp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ashley met me in the Jac that night , listened to my woes , bought me drink when I ran out of money ( I 'm sure I was short-changed at the bar ) even though she probably had less dosh than I did , and listened to my woes all over again when we went back to her mum 's and sat up till God knows when , talking low so we would n't wake Dean in the next room .
2 Pleased , that is , until I discovered that I had forgotten to bring the tea bags — the subsequent ‘ Well , why did n't you bring them then 's , ‘ Why is it always my fault 's reminded me of the Quentin Crisp line that marriage was impossible for him because he could not have tolerated an endless succession of mornings when the first words he heard were , ‘ And another thing ’ — and that there were no birds .
3 Coetzee 's men lured him across the South African border and shot him .
4 However , if Europeans were exasperated with Carter , many had little liking either for the man who beat him in the November presidential elections .
5 Therapist Julia Blackburn 's heart sinks when someone visits her at The Maidenhead Natural Therapy Clinic and says , ‘ I 've tried a grapefruit diet , a pineapple diet , a very low-calorie diet , and now I 've come to see whether hypnotherapy might work . ’
6 Norman has been an unknown quantity since injuring his right shoulder prior to last year 's Masters , then reinjuring it at the US Open in Minneapolis .
7 A council they oppose so much that they give us one of the lowest grants per head in the country , poll tax cap us , take us to court over redundancy payments , criticise us over the Meadow Well management and so on .
8 We look forward to meeting you at the BBC Good Food Show , which will be held at the Ideal Home Exhibition on March 21–24 .
9 The suggestions included limiting Congress 's powers only to proposing amendments to the Constitution , and allowing Yeltsin to retain the right granted him at the October-November 1991 extraordinary Congress to appoint ministers without approval from the legislature .
10 Kragan had taken Kaas under his wing and transferred him to the Stasi pre-trial detention establishment at Berlin-Hohenschonhausen .
11 They show it on the Leeds United — The Glory Years video about three times and it always appears on the ten best goals of all time .
12 In August 1915 the receiver , Mr Coombes , decided he could no longer continue in charge of the club and offered to sell it to the Leeds Northern [ Rugby ] Union Club at Headingley , who were interested .
13 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
14 It was good to see you at the DoE Green College Sustainability Seminar the other day .
15 After Mr Bush had told her of the US military action by telephone at 7am , an hour after his troops moved in , Mrs Thatcher told reporters : ‘ I believe he was right to do so .
16 Their parents were sending them to the Wimbledon Islamic Day Independent Boys ' School because they wanted them to grow up English .
17 You like yams ? ’ he asks as he hurries me through the West Indian greengrocer 's and out the back .
18 Karen Levy , 32 , collected him from the Alexandra private hospital in Cheadle , Greater Manchester , for a two-hour trip after getting the go-ahead from his consultant .
19 This project takes a general estimation procedure know as Residual Maximum Likelihood ( REML ) and implements it on the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre 's ( EPCC ) Connection Machine .
20 AFTER the strange events which took me to the West African desert , I needed a spell at sea .
21 Use the coupon below to order advance tickets for the Ideal Home Exhibition , which will also admit you to the BBC Good Food Show .
22 It was in 1984 , when Kylie was still only 16 , that her next big break came and it was again Alan Hardy , the man who had cast her in The Sullivans three years before , who was involved .
23 She 'd followed him into the Rockingham public house by the Elephant and Castle .
24 Other features also under consideration — which wo n't make it into the ABI this time around — include requirements for application-to-application communication and linking , updated networking topologies , common installation and system administration facilities .
25 I eventually made it into the Yorkshire second XI and ultimately the first team .
26 And I 've got a an all day meeting , I 've arranged it on the Tuesday that 's if we 're being presented to .
27 You 'd have to compare it to the Rickenbacker 650 reviewed last month — roughly the same price , but a much slicker guitar — or maybe a Hamer Special , if your tendencies are more Gibson-orientated .
28 It 's becoming fashionable to buy in rather than build specialised servers — IBM Corp and Digital Equipment Corp are both doing it , and now ICL Plc has gone to Burlington , Massachusetts-based Xylogics Inc for the Annex Three and Micro Annex XL communications servers under an OEM agreement that will see the UK company marketing them as the DRS local network terminal server line with its DRS 6000 range of Sparc-based and DRS 3000 iAPX-86-based Unix systems .
29 I 'm showing it at the Norwich Contemporary Arts Exhibition on October the third if I can get it there .
30 Some guidance was provided to teachers completing the questionnaire in order to familiarise them with the HMI eight areas of experience and to agree meanings of terms such as ‘ concept ’ and ‘ skill ’ .
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