Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I met them at the same time , ’ Tim recalls .
2 The footwells need cutting and rewelding for a V8 , so it would be easier to repair yours at the same time as , if you buy a new bulkhead , it will need chopping and welding just the same .
3 Er a similar cautious approach which none of them took yesterday when on examination it was found that there was more potential there than before , erm so to help with the figures I have found very helpful erm appendix eight to the er York City Council erm statement , I think it appears in both of their statements appendix eight Greater York housing provision sorry , could could I also direct you at the same time to the County Council 's N Y five appendix three now the , the two make interesting comparisons because they both start of with the same H one proposal of nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , and I 'll remind you there , sir , that only five thousand seven hundred of those are required by the existing population , four thousand of those are for migrants , and the two schedules go of in slightly different directions under the heading of completions , and the reason for that , sir , is that the the Greater York , the er County Council 's figures , as you can see were computed in October nineteen ninety two when only seven hundred dwellings had been completed , yet six months later , under item C for the Greater York er housing provision figure , York Ci York City Council figures , the completions were one thousand and sixty three .
4 ‘ You 're sending it and keeping it at the same time ? ’
5 I needed to come up with a solution which avoided this overly defined focal point and used it at the same time .
6 One this girl traced my hand and I traced hers at the same time — I went very slowly , which triggered her ticklishness , and she laughed every time my pencil made it to the place between two of her fingers , but she was brave , she stayed put .
7 I 'll bring yours up the same time , in a few minutes . ’
8 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
9 All the other times were just a way of reminding myself of the realities and provoking you at the same time .
10 She projected a kind of agelessness , which had made her at the same time an object of attention from both the Young Women 's Fitness Class and the Over-50s Club .
11 His wife was again allowed to visit him about the same time on the following ( or third ) day of custody .
12 They were watching her intently , with a look that disconcerted her and excited her at the same time .
13 I love you … ’ she heard herself whispering , one detached part of her intellect aghast at the vulnerable openness of her confession , surprising her at the same time with the shocking truth .
14 That was going to be in May so we needed it to ship in April so I said , well you 've got to you 've got to still finish it at the same time .
15 If you want one , we can do it at the same time as the valuation , at a reduced fee , but we must be told at the outset .
16 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
17 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
18 A qualified instructor will demonstrate how to use equipment properly , how to get the best from your body and enjoy it at the same time .
19 Signed Danish is not Danish , when you can not hear/distinguish the words — but another type of sign language , which has the primary advantage that hearing people can use it at the same time as they use spoken language , and the secondary advantage is that some — and only some — rules applying to the spoken language are conveyed to the deaf child .
20 Are you supposed to press them at the same time ?
21 I would n't get the opportunity to find out who else was calling me at the same time .
22 Now this er of course was railway waggons and er when you started work you was put with a skilled man and i er it was his job to repair the waggons and teach you at the same time .
23 Next Computer Inc is going try to stage a NeXTWorld Expo without leaning on Uniforum by holding it at the same time like it did last year .
24 Practise saying them in the same time span , as far as possible , e.g. : 5.3.2 .
25 both , really I think they both hit you at the same time
26 Mr eleven year old son offered to help so one of the put a gun to him and forced him to lead them to him threatening him at the same time .
27 So you could , yeah , you 've got his telephone number anyway , so you can also phone him at the same time .
28 So while helping my old friend , I would be losing him at the same time .
29 The conclusion that there was not going to be any hit him at the same time as Rincewind , whirring wildly down the passage , kicked him sharply in the groin .
30 Tonight she was to chair the meeting , so she left the front door unlocked for any late-comers , and , having seated the nervous little reporter from the Advent in a position where she could see and hear all the ladies present , giving her at the same time a hastily written list of the names of those expected to attend , she called the meeting to order .
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