Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er very often Australian Aboriginal societies you meet men the corroborees at these ritual gatherings and if you 're one of the club , then in the ritual they 'll tell you , they 'll say hey , you know , you know you know you say where did you get all these kangaroos you know oh we got them over at the so and so ranges or down at the so and so water hole that 's where they all are this week , and this is very important information for man .
2 Stylishly made but inherently daft , unlike the other ghost movies Flatliners does tackle the unpaid debts of the past , but only to write them off in the most superficial way .
3 We shift them down to the so they could n't get onto the cultivated land .
4 Poulenc rarely achieves or even tries to emulate his fellow countryman 's emotional intensity , although the more overtly entertaining and witty numbers can suddenly catch you out with a characteristically bitter-sweet volte-face .
5 As the dancers changed partners , set to each other , backed away , then set again and spun with crossed arms , Donald McCulloch became masterful , gripping the girls ' hands strongly , spinning so hard that the balls of their feet ached on the cobbles , and passing them on with an almost lordly flourish of his arm .
6 ‘ What about asking Albert 's to set you up with a really quiet-looking business outfit for New York ?
7 So let's bring it down to a really personal level then .
8 By the time he took to do his business , the bank 's video cameras must have had me down as a fairly suspicious character and I was happy to stop fidgeting when he finally turned away from the cashier and headed for the door .
9 In many cases , one may trace them back to a very ancient past , though often the present-day festivals — surviving in the face of what is euphemistically called ‘ progress ’ — retain only a vestige of their former meaning and complexity .
10 He admires in Horace ‘ the beauty , force and vehemence of Impression : which leads me on to a more rare and entertaining subject , not anywhere ( I think ) insisted on by others ’ .
11 Once again , at the very end of this , the longest video of the three , Julian sneaks in some additional MIDI-based information , leading you on to the rather more complex volume three .
12 When his mother rigs him out in a pretty pink frock to wear to school ( ‘ What 's a frock ? ’ said my son .
13 None of this was his business , despite the fact that he had helped her out of a rather … tricky situation .
14 Jon Gittens ' over-hit back pass was dipping under the bar until quick-thinking Pears turned it over with a neatly executed back header .
15 Richard Cohen , who commissioned the book , said : ‘ I was very glad the judge threw it out at the very first stage .
16 and then feeding them out into the already perilous economy .
17 Then take back the cards and set them out in an apparently random fashion and challenge a person to play you at pairs .
18 Mr Gresty , whose business has been broken into several times , said : ‘ I am extremely grateful to the Army for getting me out of a very sticky situation . ’
19 I want to let you in on a somewhat embarrassing secret , which is now a secret no longer !
20 Try and get her back on an even keel . ’
21 Feeling rather conspicuous in her towel and bikini , she followed him up to the palatially decorated VIP suite , and into the bathroom — trying not to notice the bedroom they passed through on the way .
22 Leonora felt very subdued as she followed him down to the relatively peaceful little beach of Lee Haven , where years before Joshua Probert had built a safe anchorage for his boats .
23 you see his expenditure was er , he , he , he , just to put it down to a very minor thing , you 're spending four pound a week
24 They 'd been feeding it down at the where they give the horses
25 He takes it out into the so I put it out
26 Well , this was hardly the scene she 'd have imagined as the perfect time to wear the dress , but now she silently blessed the premonition which had made her pack it along with the predominantly casual clothes she 'd chosen to take to Sheffield .
27 This is an interesting book even for non-Southern devotees as he takes us through from the most menial shunting operation with grimy British Rail survivors to sleek passenger workings with shiny green locomotives .
28 So we 're actually concentrating on the actual business of that in the final analysis , despite how he behaved , large amounts of funds were stolen and you b you 've kicked us off to a very valuable start about whether that would be harder to do faced with a Maxwell-type character if all of Good was implemented .
29 ‘ They spend their entire lives trying to match me up with the most unsuitable women you could possibly hope to meet . ’
30 Freddie Head , rider of Pistol Packer , opined that ‘ Mill Reef was the best horse I 've ever seen ’ , and the French press compared him with the horse whose stunning victory in the Arc six years earlier had marked him out as the very best horse of the era : ‘ Comme Sea Bird II — mais plus vite ’ , raved Paris-Turf He was indeed plus vite , for his Arc time of 2 minutes 28.3 seconds set a new course record .
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