Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [vb mod] now [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 People say it should now fold its tents and steal away .
2 ‘ However , if you imagine you can now buy them back I would advise you to forget all about it .
3 So with this system you 'll remember bits , you 'll forget bits , the bits you do n't remember you can now work them out from the patterns .
4 It seems we can now qualify our position on the relationship between dramatic playing and performance modes by saying that although the ultimate intention of the performer is to ‘ describe ’ an emotional event , the quality essential to dramatic playing , the quality of ‘ being ’ may also enter the performance mode , given the Stanislavsky approach .
5 Even the WBC , the governing body that insist they 'll now give their title to Lewis , would have been been appeased by such a compromise .
6 My little red RYA Level 1 Certificate does n't mean I can now start my solo circumnavigation of the world , but I like to think it 's a step in the right direction .
7 And as our science correspondent David Whitehouse reports , it means we can now see what cities and building looked like hundreds of years ago .
8 Reed International said it would now pay its 7.25p final as a second interim on 5 April , while TT Group 's 3.6p final becomes a second interim to be paid on 31 March .
9 ‘ Instead , Italians have voted for fragmentation , ’ said Signor Arnaldo Forlani , the party general secretary , who said he would now consider his own position .
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