Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [subord] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Chip slept in a chair in the kitchen and was always at the door to greet me when I got up in the morning .
2 I think she must have heard me because she ran off like the clappers towards the quay . ’
3 They went to see my husband in hospital and asked him to see them when he came out .
4 Sister Paul would pretend not to see me as I hung about outside around the staffroom to see her pass by for the third time that day .
5 , did n't even congratulate me when I walked in tonight for my wonderful singing .
6 Whit 's out , he 's phoning me when he gets back .
7 You hate me when I turn up in the sexy German motor , you hate me when I ca n't turn up at all .
8 A sudden misery enveloped me as I drove over to the gate leading into the field .
9 Jenny asked me as we got up to leave .
10 Slave masters strode through the crowds of men and women whipping them if they slowed down or showed any interest in the travellers .
11 Tremayne lent me his Volvo to go to the boatyard in the morning , reminding me before I set off that it was the day of the awards dinner at which he was to be honoured .
12 A big erm , funnily enough , although three of the other chaps that were involved in , erm , one of them really upset me cos they run up together , he was navigator on together .
13 We got them when we packed up your mother 's house .
14 You should research them as you write up your notes and prepare precise definitions which can be referred to later .
15 Books were obviously supernumerary , and he began jettisoning them until he got down to those two which every guest on ‘ Desert Island Discs ’ is furnished with as a bare , civilised minimum : the Bible and Shakespeare .
16 He recognised himself , but did not recognise me when we switched on The Railway Children some months ago .
17 I asked him to meet me when I found out proof that he — ’
18 I ca n't imagine how I would have survived without good friends who sustained me when I turned up weeping in the middle of the night .
19 In the same way , it seems clear that there is a positive connection between an open style of communication and organisational performance : ‘ When communication is open , organisations are able to identify their problems early and solve them before they get out of hand .
20 It amazes me when I think back , how we managed to go without sleep .
21 I reported them when I went up but whether there was any success in the things I just do n't know .
22 Keynes improvised the answers , and changed them as he went along .
23 He had sublet part of his house to a married daughter , and would also play with his grandchildren , ‘ amusing them when they come back from school ’ .
24 Come over here and join us by all means — but not too many of you , so we 'll vet you as you come in ; and not make getting in pleasant or easy ; and just please stick to your own districts , and keep your own religion and dance away to tambourines , or bow to the East , or whatever you like to do to remind you of home — or home as it used to be a hundred years ago but certainly is n't now — and are n't we clever , and kind , and good , the way we give you your roots back ? , and with any luck your children will grow up well-behaved and pleasant ; ours certainly are n't ; because your children come of a society which , being somewhere else and a long time ago , is probably better than ours .
25 How do you think you 'd feel like she did n't want to know you when she grew up .
26 ‘ Did you recognise him when you walked in ? ’ he demanded .
27 Re remote control yes , well my son has one of those he has an electric garage door on his house , and a copper frisked him before he went in last season cos he , he 's a younger bloke and er he said what 's this and he pulled it out of his pocket , he said it 's to open my garage door with he said what do you think it is a death ray or something yeah .
28 Josie found her when she turned in for work at the club that evening .
29 His niece , Cathy Carne , found him when she came back to open the shop after lunch .
30 ‘ I found him when I came back from lunch .
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