Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] for [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What you 've got to do now is make them into salesmen , forgive me again for using the phrase salesmen , I appreciate that all of you are not men .
2 Now we ask er the club to supply er in between us signing them up for to do the cards to them to the consultant erm er getting there getting there to do the assignment could be five or six months .
3 She told me off for doing the wrong colour there .
4 yet you probably put her off for putting the bet on cos you were
5 As you know , you had the Fifty Pounds from direct , and I have thanked him profusely for painting the sitting room walls !
6 But if you think that money can ever pay me back for losing the little child — who came to the forge — and always the best of friends ! ’
7 To turn you in for abducting a minor . ’
8 It serves them right for playing a game in which even the winners become losers if they try to repeat their success .
9 I admired him for his decision then , I admired him for not thinking being world champion was worth the risk , and I admire him still for maintaining a moral stance .
10 Thank you all very much indeed and thank you particularly for making an effort to come and join us at the A G M , apart from the fact that it would be tedious in the extreme to look at an empty room , I do understand
11 Thank you again for taking the trouble to write expressing your views , and thank you also for your valued support of our Club .
12 I used to tell him off for riding a bike without a light — summonsed him in the end and he was fined about ten bob .
13 Tom then howled and snatched it back and the parents intervened to tell him off for making a noise and for snatching .
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