Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 It has certainly not been the only movement , nor has it always taken the same form or led to the same conclusions .
2 Well you know , strange things happen You always wear the same size ?
3 Although laser discs are used today mainly for music , you could pack the whole Encyclopaedia Britannica onto one of them , and read it out using the same laser technique .
4 ‘ That we 'd had a short but intense affair , and when we 'd met again and realised we still felt the same about each other you 'd revealed how Thomas was mine . ’
5 You know it just tastes the same .
6 We 're not saying that that er has been done er through all the cheap channels I do n't blame him probably do the same .
7 Or do I simply feel the same ?
8 Do I still look the same ?
9 Do you not get the same benefit for hundred and twenty pound per annum .
10 But do you seriously expect the same people to be there after so long ?
11 Do you still feel the same now that your own son is involved ? ’
12 Why then do we not take the same laid-back attitude if someone says ‘ I am in pain … ’ ?
13 Nor , even if full-time , did they typically do the same type or level of paid work as that performed by the men who were included in the employers ' pension schemes .
14 That 's got 'em do they both work the same ?
15 Do they still carry the same today or has , has that amount gone up ?
16 The tunes in English are not necessarily the same in form as those of other languages , nor do they necessarily produce the same effect .
17 Wonderful song still goes down as good as ever and I have to say we still get the same buzz out of singing it every night .
18 The headlines , this time ‘ I Should Be So Scruffy ’ , ensured she never made the same mistake again .
19 This poem , though in appearance and make-up is different from other Owen work it still carries the same anti-war message , but for me this poem is the best of his poems because of its subtly hidden anti-war message and meaningful ambiguity .
20 A kite on a line generates lift from the wind streaming past it ; but if released it soon reaches the same speed as the surrounding air and loses it all .
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