Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I can not believe my luck that nobody else had the sense to carry you off but that you should still be there for me and that — ’ Well , that could be taken two ways , on second thoughts that might not be the thing to say , no ; ‘ my luck that you should want me in the same way that I want you .
2 ‘ I met them at the same time , ’ Tim recalls .
3 This is not , in fact , a problem , since LIFESPAN provides the tools for creating other DCs as the need arises and attaching them to the same package .
4 Well we usually change them into the same thing do n't we if we 're going to add them .
5 This involves them in the same difficulties as those faced , or evaded , by psychologists .
6 The carrier would have agreed to carry them for the same price at the carrier 's risk .
7 I sold them for the same price that I had paid myself .
8 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
9 Crosland had realized ‘ the impossibility , as he saw it , of a Labour Secretary of State taking institutions from urban local education authorities which were predominantly controlled by Labour , and bringing them under the same regime as the universities ’ .
10 you probably got them from the same place .
11 Within months , some clients had in excess of 25 dealers contacting them from the same firm ; many were also being contacted from other licensed dealers .
12 Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description .
13 First of all Gyggle tried me on the same sort of rudimentary exercises that I remembered performing as a child .
14 I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake .
15 She recalled his saying , ‘ I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake . ’
16 He withdrew all charges against them and immediately re-charged them with the same ones .
17 Although the list includes characters who could never have met in reality you can include them in the same army if you wish to do so .
18 erm as regards correlating things together and bunging them into the same factor analysis model and stuff like that er even if the questions are a bit different I think you can still do that legitimately because it 's still sort of expressing the strength of opinion on some sort of scale erm so I do n't see that that 'll er interfere with the ambitions you 've got as regards the data erm so er
19 The devil had booked them into the same room .
20 The footwells need cutting and rewelding for a V8 , so it would be easier to repair yours at the same time as , if you buy a new bulkhead , it will need chopping and welding just the same .
21 We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle .
22 Our Discovery Tour of Sri Lanka will introduce you to the many wonders of this harmonious land .
23 Er a similar cautious approach which none of them took yesterday when on examination it was found that there was more potential there than before , erm so to help with the figures I have found very helpful erm appendix eight to the er York City Council erm statement , I think it appears in both of their statements appendix eight Greater York housing provision sorry , could could I also direct you at the same time to the County Council 's N Y five appendix three now the , the two make interesting comparisons because they both start of with the same H one proposal of nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , and I 'll remind you there , sir , that only five thousand seven hundred of those are required by the existing population , four thousand of those are for migrants , and the two schedules go of in slightly different directions under the heading of completions , and the reason for that , sir , is that the the Greater York , the er County Council 's figures , as you can see were computed in October nineteen ninety two when only seven hundred dwellings had been completed , yet six months later , under item C for the Greater York er housing provision figure , York Ci York City Council figures , the completions were one thousand and sixty three .
24 But Garvey , 40 , has brought a private prosecution against Carr , 33 , alleging Carr assaulted him in the same incident in Middlesbrough Town Hall in October .
25 At Aintree he beat The Thinker just over seven lengths and is due to meet him on the same terms , although Jimmy Frost , his rider , may put up a pound or two more than the minimum 10st .
26 Physio Alan Smith raced on and battled to revive him after the former record buy had blocked his air passage by swallowing his tongue .
27 The carer then holds him in the same way as if he was sitting on the side of the bed , with his head resting on her shoulder , and lifts him up and round onto the second chair .
28 The nice complication then arises that to entertain the Copernican system seriously as a potentially true physical description , and subsequently to reject it , could be a more radical position than to accept it in the former sense .
29 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
30 ‘ You 're sending it and keeping it at the same time ? ’
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