Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There seems nothing at all strange about the Church , which paid the salaries of these men and expected them to serve it , considering the question of whether or not they should be able to engage in an activity which , no matter how acceptable , would have diverted them from their main task .
2 It is said that Adolf Sax tried to persuade Wagner to include them in his orchestral apparatus but Wagner perceived that they would not blend well with either woodwind or brass ( still less , strings ) and never used them .
3 We get quite used to our domestic dog actually bringing us sticks and balls so that we may throw them for our four-legged companion to retrieve .
4 Instead of seeing money — or love , time , success or joy — as in short supply , we will come to see them as our natural birthright , letting them flow through our lives with great ease .
5 This is not , in fact , the best time of year to see them in their full glory , but you will appreciate , sir , that with the arrival of spring , we will see a change — a very special sort of change — in these surroundings . ’
6 ‘ I have loved elephants since I was a child and it will be fantastic to see them in their natural environment . ’
7 She would be putty in my paws when she awoke to see me with my superb physique and elemental masculinity , not to mention my irresistible voice .
8 It was against this background that Peter Thompson , the chief executive of NFC , together with his chairman , Bobby Lawrence , came to see me in my small office on the Cabinet floor of the House of Commons on 18 May 1981 .
9 In verse erm thirteen , I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them into their own land .
10 But it was very premature , and I 'm very I was very sorry that they 'd taken this step , but very , very pleased when I saw the result coming out , and I 'm do congratulate them on their common sense there that they were prepared to put the opting out aside and were looking seriously and sensibly into the tertiary college consultations .
11 they can erm it can affect them in their later life and they hit out at people to show their affection .
12 Large body-size would , in fact , isolate them from their thermal environment because they would exchange heat at lower rates .
13 She caught sight of the children and , in a sudden paroxysm of words , tried to admonish them in her own language interspersed with Arabic , while announcing breakfast to me in English .
14 Deficiencies are there but you can counteract them to your personal advantage .
15 I divested myself of all my own French honours and laid them in my elder son 's lap on condition he should be content to be French , as I had discovered I was English .
16 I should like to thank them for their outstanding contribution to BP , extending over many years .
17 I would like to thank them for their continuing forbearance and understanding , and for their hard work throughout the year .
18 Nippon Steel Corp has now reached agreement for Hitachi Ltd to transfer to it the technology to manufacture 4M-bit memory chips : the chips will be made at NMB Semiconductor Ltd , which will become Nippon Steel Semiconductor Corp when the steel company acquires the Minebea Co unit later this month ; Hitachi will take some of the parts and sell them under its own name ; Nippon Steel says it has already concluded similar agreements with Intel Corp and Sony Corp on production of other types of memory chip .
19 The tendency to render horrific incidents of this sort into funny tales or ‘ atrocity stories ’ ( Dingwall 1977 ) , told ritualistically within the occupational culture of the station , is a further attempt to strip them of their emotional hold .
20 In 1986 he took over the captaincy from Fletcher and led them to their third championship in four years , but early in 1987 he suffered a bad loss of form and the team slipped right down the table .
21 Most of them are performed by women , and most women continue to perform them into their old age , whether or not they have formerly had paid employment .
22 The hostility which farmers have recently provoked from many environmentalists also helps to confirm them in their characteristic persecution complex , associated with being a small , closely knit minority in an urban industrial society .
23 If so , you all reproach me with your cheerful resilience . ’
24 I looked towards the chateau entrance and saw Queen Poison , dreadful as an army in battle array , sweep towards me across the lowered drawbridge , arms extended as if she wished to clasp me to her deceitful bosom .
25 Are you using them to their best advantage ?
26 Once the laws are introduced , the coaches and the players will try to devise means of using them to their own advantage .
27 Using them for their filthy business .
28 On the other hand , the independence of the Tariff Reform League was a positive advantage : after January 1913 the party supported the tariff policy but was not including them in its immediate programme , so that Central Office could continue to distribute tariff propaganda from the TRL without compromising party policy .
29 Oriental dragons were not bloodthirsty like the Worms in England , and a pretty story tells us that the beautiful colours of autumn leaves are a result of a nearby dragon yawning and tinging them with his warm breath , before settling down to his winter hibernation .
30 Leeds were annoying me at their sudden inability to keep the ball on the pitch , either kicking it off , or playing stupid passes up front ( down the middle ) straight to their keeper/defenders .
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