Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [noun] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 Jackie led them through the wood where Joy Prentice had fled and fallen , then along the banks of the stream which fed the water-wheel , to a small wooden bridge .
2 Myeloski led them to the room where the girl had been found .
3 At last , a functioning airlock admitted them into a section where a breathable atmosphere survived , and warmth .
4 One of the lads asked me at a dance how I had earned my living before I had got married .
5 The BTEC HND courses consistently and successfully attract students of a more practical than academic inclination , and develop them to the stage where their natural pragmatic talents have been enhanced with a rigorous regime of integrated business skills .
6 If you have the spare points put a couple of heroes on Pegasi and send them into the sky where they can cover the field .
7 To undertake strategic research , which takes the new ideas coming out of basic research and develops them to the point where the possibility of commercial application can be identified .
8 We 're not expecting trouble from them and we 're there to help and direct them into the areas where they can get into the ground .
9 Women who ask if you 'll respect them in the morning when you do n't even respect them now .
10 It was he who went on to train me to the point where I could begin to set in motion a way to extract revenge from the blanc nations , and ensure that no one would so betray us again .
11 Her disenchantment with the Foreign Office , already evident over Rhodesia and the EEC , came to a head during the Falklands War and she brought in Sir Anthony Parsons ( who had impressed her during the war when he was ambassador to the United Nations ) to advise on foreign affairs and appointed Roger Jackling to advise on defence .
12 He looked up from the desk , caught her at a moment when , against her will , tears had filled her eyes .
13 His abolition of the subject carries with it the demise of the individual as the locus of knowledge and agency , and places him in a position where , as we saw , there can be no question of compromise with individualism .
14 Solly was prepared to try it in the days when Napes Needles was still ‘ a rattling good ‘ un ’ and you took photos of your mates with plates in a Thornton-Pickard Folding ruby camera .
15 One commentator described it as the moment when de Gaulle 's spell was broken .
16 ‘ We 'll hang it in the bedroom where you can see it when you wake up . ’
17 A Hong Kong-based Scottish engineer and historian , Mr Charles Walker , is behind the scheme to inscribe a gravestone and place it at the spot where Liddell is known to have been buried .
18 Their views are readily recognizable in a world where the fuss about the Turin Shroud has reminded us of a time when high hopes and claims of miracle were commonly attached to pieces of the true cross or heads of John the Baptist , where much Christian literature promises believers great success in life if only they have enough faith in God , and where men and women of political power still try to have God and his Church on their side , and to use their authority to enhance their own .
19 The student must gather all his energies , and with great stillness of mind , and the knowledge that he can push beyond ordinary human barriers , focus them on the point where the material at hand is to be broken .
20 Er could you refer me to a place where I have erm er
21 It can make me feel like doubting , it can bring me to the place where I question it , but it does n't alter the fact we can be totally sured , totally certain of our salvation , because God has said it .
22 Put them round the corner where where I did n't know where they were .
23 I told you at the beginning how it would be .
24 Sally-Anne was by now in full flow , and when she paused for breath Dr Neil said , as drily as he could , ‘ I will only say to you what I told you on the day when you arrived here : it is useless to take the world 's burdens on your shoulders .
25 so they just call it E T , she said they can actually send you to a place where you can get you , your experience and er because they 've sent you , you get an extra certain amount , ten pound a week , cos you 're going through the job centre
26 She was going to edge him into a situation where it would be openly discourteous to refuse her , and nothing in his education or his upbringing had prepared him to be discourteous to anyone , least of all a woman .
27 It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her , and it 's me who has sailed her to a place where you 'll never find her .
28 He has a brother in Devon and a sister in Manchester and his mother travels from Exeter twice a year to visit him at the centre where she attends the pujas the daily services .
29 An order may require the child to allow the supervisor to visit him at the place where he is living ( para 8(1) ( b ) ) .
30 Anne agreed , disappointed that he had not suggested meeting her outside the factory where her friends could see him , but happy to meet him anywhere .
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