Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I mean I feel sorry for young mums now because there 's no way if they take on these mortgages they can have a family
2 The board itself has been soaked beforehand so the wood does not absorb the dampness too quickly ; in fact it feeds it back to the clay , enabling it to stay fresh for longer .
3 thank you and you would accept would n't you , that if we have a brochure , let us say printed for next January , January nineteen ninety four alright , and I came along as a retired person in the Spring of nineteen ninety five or indeed the Summer of nineteen ninety five , fifteen , sixteen , seventeen , eighteen months later , those brochure figures will inevitably be out of date in the sense of being inaccurate would n't they ?
4 Philip 's visa has finally come through and Kelly has returned to Britain to help him get ready for married life in Australia .
5 As a test of his strength Utnapishtim challenged him to stay awake for six days and seven nights — " But while Gilgamesh sat there resting on his haunches , a mist of sleep like soft wool teased from the fleece drifted over him , and Utnapishtim said to his wife , " Look at him now , the strong man who would have everlasting life , even now the mists of sleep are drifting over him . " "
6 How do you spell , how do you spell fair for fair haired ?
7 Their clicks are not FM , nor do they appear suitable for Doppler-shift speed metering .
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