Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [prep] a [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All sorts of people go to see performers after a first night .
2 But in an attempt to dilute a revolt , Taylor has cancelled plans for a fourth match against Canada .
3 Therefore , where the vendor and purchaser are both wholly owned subsidiaries of a third company and the vendor sells assets to the purchaser at an under value , it is suggested that to the extent the value conferred on the purchaser comes out of the vendor 's capital as opposed to distributable profits , then this is treated as an unlawful return of capital by the vendor to the third party holding company .
4 The recession has left many folk unable , or hardly able , to meet payments on a first home , let alone a second .
5 Many Arabs who lost their homes in what became the state of Israel and settled on the West Bank in 1948 became refugees for a second time during the Six Day War in 1967 .
6 The Permanent Court held that although the parties to a treaty could bestow rights upon a third party there was a presumption against this , a presumption which Poland had not rebutted .
7 A police spokeswoman said they could not confirm reports of a second bag snatch from a another woman 's car just a few minutes later .
8 Ealing Health Authority obtains regular updates on waiting times for a first outpatient appointment by consultant and , for each consultant , by subspecialty ( for example , general surgery clinics and varicose vein clinics ) from all of its major providers .
9 Thus the signalman was prevented from inadvertently releasing signals for a second train to enter before the first was clear .
10 Shearer 's penalty capped a remarkable and decisive seven-minute spell in which Southampton , leading thanks to a 13th minute Iain Dowie header , had seen their visitors come back into the game with a 62nd minute equaliser from Les Ferdinand and then miss a 67th minute penalty through Clive Wilson .
11 Neil Cooke , operating effectively behind the central midfield position , fired Instonians into a sixth minute lead from his side 's third corner .
12 This means fixing dates for a first reading and all the subsequent stages in the House .
13 I will suggest in this section of the essay that the reason why the antithesis between liberal principles and contract theory is so frequently overlooked lies in a second level of debate which the discussion of liberalism masks .
14 A public inquiry is considering plans for a third supermarket — opponents say it 's the last thing the town needs .
15 Assuming Newco will not wish to establish a qualifying trust , the most tax-efficient funding mechanism is achieved if the trust borrows funds from a third party source and Newco uses its tax-deductible contributions to fund the trust 's interest payments on such borrowings .
16 There may be a general tendency to exaggerate ; couples seem to be more willing to abandon expectations of a third child than they are to opt for a third child after stating an earlier preference for two .
17 Correct positioning of water jets will ensure that the utensils are thoroughly cleaned first time round , thus removing the tiresome need to put pots through a second time .
18 Try beginning meals with a first course of fruit — grilled grapefruit , sliced peaches with cottage cheese — or a salad of tomatoes or greens .
19 ‘ Men of 45 or 50 have the opportunity of a second summer , having children by a second partner ; women of the same age do n't have that .
20 In the off road mode , however , the Wrangler will rarely attract passengers for a second time as the ride is absolutely terrible , particularly for those in the rear bench seat , which is smaller and harder than some estate cars offer in their third row of seats .
21 Eldorado — reported to be for the chop when John Birt takes over as BBC director general in March — is changing tactics in a last ditch bid to win a reprieve .
22 It is better , especially in manipulative family situations , for individuals to talk directly to each other rather than relay messages through a third party .
23 Total commitment , total involvement , a total physical , intellectual and emotional response is necessary to successfully send and receive messages in a second language .
24 All members of the Planning Group to offer suggestions for a second speaker .
25 During the current financial year , the associated company issued shares to a third party for cash as a result of which the parent company 's stake has been diluted to 15% .
26 The advice offered in Chapter 8 on more effective reading was that you should only begin to take notes after a first reading — when you 've grasped the structure and got the gist of the topic being dealt with .
27 The practice in medieval times was to house all of the grain crops in the barn , using ricks as a last resort only when the barns were full .
28 But the fact that the legislature refrained from creating a jurisdiction to make orders against a third party under section 6(3) and ( 4 ) does not justify a cutting down of the ordinary meaning of section 6(2) .
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