Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other big Japanese consumer-electronics companies , such as Sharp , Casio , Sega and Nintendo , are also showing interest in producing gadgets to profit from the blurring of boundaries between TV , telecoms and computers .
2 Change the patient 's position two hourly to encourage secretions to drain from the chest and to relieve pressure on the chest wall .
3 Owen again refers to the sun 's powers , how it causes seeds to grow from the warmth and ‘ care ’ it gives them , and also how it once woke up life at the beginning of the world by adding its warmth to ‘ the clays of a cold star ’ .
4 This allows users to resume from the point they left by electronically ‘ marking ’ it before switching the unit off .
5 The Amended Law on State Enterprises passed in early August 1989 allowed companies to secede from the ministry which managed them and the ministry in question was forbidden to take all of one company 's output .
6 Is it realistic to expect initiatives to come from the people themselves ?
7 In effect , Ashford were given rights to fish from the gardens but had difficulties even attempting to pass through to other swims they leased .
8 It is during this period that various decrees and opinions of church leaders advise women to abstain from the Eucharist and even to refrain from entering the church altogether when they are menstruating .
9 No pay was given for Bank Holidays , with the result that it took weeks to recover from the loss of income .
10 My ideal would be a system that allows players to play a high-grade cricket as demanded by a four-day format , with a modicum of one-day cricket and enough gaps in the fixture list to allow players to recover from the demands of persistent cricket , without having to play seven days a week .
11 Loopholes in the law even allowed landlords to profit from the programme .
12 Furthermore , as these college-based insiders stress , their essays do not represent police college views or those of the Home Office ; and both Thackrah ( 1985 ) and his publisher , James Tindall , take pains to ensure from the outset that we are aware than any views expressed in the book are ‘ those of individual contributors , and not those of the college , the Home Office , or [ even ] the police service ’ .
13 Yet both had lessons to learn from the behaviour of electrons .
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