Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [to-vb] from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This has been used to support proposals to move from income to expenditure taxation .
2 The pawnshop also played an important role in enabling families to survive from week to week — setting their meagre possessions to work to provide some security .
3 The government is now reported to be planning measures to limit peat extraction through direct purchase of threatened sites , and management agreements to encourage landowners to switch from exploitation to restoration of peat bogs .
4 Covered pedestrian access , with lifts and inclines but no stairs ( which for the disabled and those with luggage and or small children , can cause major problems ) would enable passengers to transfer from road to rail etc in comparative comfort .
5 Local authorities appointed volunteers to go from door to door to see who had room and who did n't ; those on the receiving end had no choice in the matter .
6 ‘ The enormity of the figures describing zero-point energy has led theorists to question from time to time whether these numbers should be taken seriously , or whether they are due to some defect or misinterpretation of the theory .
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