Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 : To determine the effectiveness of the definitional overlap technique using definitions extracted from the OALD .
2 The fact was that Charles gave up shooting for a few years because he had simply grown bored with it : it was too easy to blast away overfed birds frightened into the air by a band of beaters .
3 The third factor supporting the whole-school approach is the benefits of wider experiences and peer interactions derived from the involvement in the curriculum which are essential for the full development of the ‘ whole child ’ .
4 It used to be thought by many scientists that the armoured plates stuck outwards , as in Stegosaurus , in order to hit enemies approaching from the side .
5 The silence and emptiness of the scene did not become apparent to her until she turned into the drive of the house and realized there were no other cars parked there , no gaily clad groups tripping towards the garden , no jazz band to summon them nor hired flunkeys to greet them , no pop of champagne corks nor buzz of conversation , no bunting , no balloons , no merriment of any kind .
6 For four weeks we have heard telecasters mutter about the margin of error .
7 The atmosphere in C was slightly more informal ; this was in large part due to the physical layout of the lecture rooms , which bore a greater resemblance to school classrooms — students sat on chairs at desks and the lecturer 's podium was on the same level as the desks , allowing lecturers to move about the room answering questions .
8 He gained a lot of brownie points , for example , when the company announced its record interim losses of £45.1m and then revealed plans to sell off the majority of is leisure division .
9 They include non-work-related tasks to enable groups to focus on the process skills rather than the task skills .
10 Whatever the need for honesty , there is little point , and usually no advantage , in allowing discussions to continue on the basis of anger or mutual recrimination .
11 The infant learns to talk of hearing its mother in the garden , smelling hamburgers cooking in the kitchen , or seeing the dog enjoying itself with a ball or being hurt by the cat .
12 Changing blades is a simple process , using C-spanners supplied with the tool .
13 Other big Japanese consumer-electronics companies , such as Sharp , Casio , Sega and Nintendo , are also showing interest in producing gadgets to profit from the blurring of boundaries between TV , telecoms and computers .
14 This care will be paid for using funds transferred from the Department of Social Security .
15 Transport academics argue that road pricing would make drivers pay for the cost of congestion .
16 For example , now , she would be gathering shells to show to The Beloved , searching for ways to describe the perfect Disney sky .
17 He would like to see safeguards built into the bill to limit the size of the new co-op and he is also critical of plans by Milk Marque to retain control of key activities like milk testing and the artificial insemination service .
18 He estimates ( using parameters derived from the brain damaged population ) that though the probability of left sided speech given a right ear advantage is 97 per cent , the probability of right sided speech given a left ear advantage is only 10 per cent .
19 Conflict of Interest Rules : financial institutions are in a unique position of trust when handling funds belonging to the public .
20 The city has more Chartered Designers working within the city boundary than the rest of Scotland has as a whole .
21 The in-car shot showed catering leftovers splattering across the windscreen .
22 The factory manufactured traditional Persian style Axminster rugs and a limited amount of broadloom on approximately twelve jacquard gripper looms using designs supplied from the state studio in Moscow .
23 Horsedrawn trams were introduced in 1882 , using rail-lines set in the middle of the main roads — in Chiswick , from the foot of Kew Bridge — just in front of the ‘ Star & Garter ’ inn — to Hammersmith Broadway .
24 These excellent distance learner texts could be used on a modular basis , allowing candidates to study for the purpose of expanding their knowledge to obtain a qualification , or to meet the needs of their work .
25 During our extensive research on WOW ! teachers asked us to provide skills work from the beginning .
26 They should include plans to communicate with the public and media .
27 Change the patient 's position two hourly to encourage secretions to drain from the chest and to relieve pressure on the chest wall .
28 The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany referred by way of example to the possibility of requiring the relevant fishing vessel to operate from the member state in which it was registered , its crew to be affiliated to the social security scheme of that member state or supply contracts relating to the purchase of the catch to be concluded with local undertakings .
29 The Army needs chefs trained on the field , the RAF requires knowledge of in-fight catering … and so on .
30 The mass spectrometer imposes electric and magnetic fields on the ions in such a way as to separate and count ions according to the ratio of mass to charge , and thus to establish the mass of the molecule .
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