Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Lloyd George 's Government had embarked on a programme of financing social reform at a time of rapidly rising prices .
2 Both flashbulb and vivid memories can be inaccurate and do show some forgetting over time ( McCloskey et al. , 1988 ) and there certainly are memories of this type which do not necessary involve emotional arousal at the time .
3 We designed ideal standard criteria for using dilatation and curettage : clinical suspicion of tuberculosis ; failure of medical treatment for menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea ; severe menorrhagia presenting as symptomatic anaemia ; to exclude early pregnancy at the time of tubal ligation ; to remove an intrauterine contraceptive device if not possible in outpatients .
4 Some real research , I suggest , is needed into a condition which , though frequently rib-tickling in retrospect , causes widespread anguish at the time .
5 It would be an additional folly to impose generic substitution at a time when the Japanese government has singled out pharmaceuticals as a significant area for growth and one to which high technology is applicable .
6 The flowers provide abundant nectar at a time when hardly any other source is available and throughout the autumn the last foraging bees , wasps and a host of flies are attracted to them .
7 These issues caused great controversy at the time of the takeover battle .
8 Completion of the plant has been bitterly opposed by environmental campaigners , who criticise the government for favouring nuclear power at a time when other European nations are phasing it out .
9 When Paul ( or the writer ) in I Timothy 2 tails about women not teaching men he makes this an absolute because he was reflecting Jewish society at the time .
10 Every bill of lading in the hands of a consignee or endorsee for valuable consideration representing goods to have been shipped on board a vessel shall be conclusive evidence of such shipment as against the master or other person signing the same , notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped , unless such holder of the bill of lading shall have had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board : Provided , that the master or other person … may exonerate himself … by showing that it was caused without any default on his part , and wholly by the fraud of the shipper or the holder , or some person under whom the holder claims .
11 Too many congressmen in both parties were reluctant to aid Soviet retraining at a time when growing numbers of US citizens were unemployed .
12 In the absence of such a general right many multilateral treaties have accession clauses to encourage wide participation ( especially from among States which may not have had treaty-making capacity at the time of the treaty 's conclusion ) .
13 It all made good sense at the time , but it has turned the middle-classes into sitting ducks , waiting to be plucked by Mr Smith .
14 Curiosity may have been aroused by their performances but , according to Watman , ‘ they enjoyed incredible popularity at the time and there was never any suggestion of race as a factor ’ ( personal communication , 1981 ) .
15 It escaped general attention at the time , but Joseph Guglielmi , Taligent 's chairman and chief executive says that one of his first moves on joining the company was to create three quite separate divisions .
16 It escaped general attention at the time , but Joseph Guglielmi , Taligent 's chairman and chief executive says that one of his first moves on joining the company was to create three quite separate divisions .
17 It escaped general attention at the time , but Joseph Guglielmi , Taligent 's chairman and chief executive says that one of his first moves on joining the company was to create three quite separate divisions .
18 Hence the social acceptability of earlier retirement by women can prove a mixed blessing : it gives them more chance to leave paid work at a time of their own choosing , but also leaves them more open to pressure from others to retire .
19 And the people who were farming Blind Beck at the time killed a pig and sent down a lovely pork pie to us .
20 Importantly their chapter offers a defence of the role of educational studies in addressing fundamental educational problems and issues , and of the need to sustain independent enquiry at a time when official pressure concentrates on the technical and utilitarian aspects of schooling .
21 Some of the fossils uncovered proved to be previously unknown and this aroused great interest at the time of the publication of Darwin 's ‘ Origin of Species ’ .
22 What seems plain maltreatment at the time could look rather different in the quiet surroundings of a tribunal or courtroom months or years later .
23 Even so , giving bright light at a time which should not affect the body clock or even adjust it in the wrong direction could be tested — as has already been described .
24 The meeting with British art historian Basil Taylor first fuelled his enthusiasm for collecting British art at a time when this area was greatly undervalued .
25 He is far from dismayed by the prospect of achieving financial independence at a time of a publishing recession .
26 racial groups , e.g. South Africa , where government policy still means strict delineation at the time of writing ;
27 health , for example , may be as much a demand-side as a supply-side factor through social pressures on those who suffer it to take early retirement at a time of general contraction .
28 However , all these initiatives require heavy investment at a time when economies are squeezed by foreign debt repayments .
29 ( These alliances had the additional advantage of earning ecclesiastical approval at a time when there was growing pressure from canonists against unions within six degrees of relationship . )
30 I had shortish hair at the time .
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