Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of them , the landlord of the pub , got pissed and kissed me on the mouth and talked about the problems of these demarcations — and this is in spite of all the AIDS hysteria .
2 ‘ I 'm sorry ; I did n't mean to fall asleep and use you as a pillow . ’
3 If you need to keep them longer , rinse and pat dry and store them in a sealable container in the fridge .
4 Barbara Coleman stopped pouring and fixed her with a very severe look .
5 His own mother had been , and to some extent remained , an intrusive presence in his life , and he had started to shut her out by keeping busy and doing everything for himself .
6 This water originates at the Antarctic Divergence , a narrow zone close to the continent where diverging westerly and easterly winds pull subsurface waters upward and spread them across the ocean surface .
7 Six was brought up in the family business but declining trade prompted him to retire early and devote himself to the wide range of interests typical of an eighteenth-century intellectual , although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training .
8 I tried to remember what my sister Mary had said about ignoring old wives ' tales and I tried to put them from my mind , but after that I often caught myself glancing at Granny 's picture and it seemed to me that her black eyes came alive and followed me round the room .
9 It will make you feel alive and help you towards a new beginning .
10 He had nearly said stupid and stopped himself in time .
11 Whilst I was behind Desmond he was on two engines and landed heavily ; one of his engines came adrift and preceded him along the flarepath .
12 He became suspicious and denounced them at a branch meeting .
13 There was a stirring , a sense that at any minute the branches over his head might dip over him and brush his face , or that the roots that had thrust up out of the earth might wriggle and become alive and twine themselves about his feet .
14 We will work hard and thank everybody for what they have done ’ . ’
15 Too easily we stand still and pat ourselves on the back ; before long we are losing ground .
16 I did n't want to hurt their feelings , having been brought up to be polite , so I tried to look happy and muttered something about Helen playing the piano very well .
17 She sees red and kills him with a very convenient weapon .
18 I ran up to the guest room , stripped naked and washed myself with a wet rag .
19 Exhausted , Andrew lowers his head and their tongues meet and Andrew slides down and hugs Iain 's legs , hoping that they will become immobile and lock him in this position and never separate .
20 But Mrs Spence claims he then turned nasty and threatened her with a pistol and syringe full of morphine .
21 A wise father will recognize the reason for his sons ' aggressive or needling behaviour and remain firm but cool himself without feeling threatened or provoked .
22 ‘ Eating a sensible diet is the simple way to ensure your cholesterol level stays low and to keep yourself in good , all-round health . ’
23 I have no idea how I was , although Jack and my relieved director assured me that the audience had just been coolly first-nightish and we , the cast , had stayed calm and thawed them into real pleasure and ultimate Rejoycing .
24 Some girls do n't even want to ask in case their parents get angry and ban them from seeing their boyfriends .
25 Do n't you come across many teachers who say something along the lines ‘ I 'd love to try this experiment ’ , or ‘ I 'd like to try this in a different way , but I have C S E or O level or A level coming up for my children in a term or a year and I ca n't possibly afford to do other than cram them for these examinations ’ .
26 Now you get frightened and keep me at arm 's length !
27 His friend Sir Thomas Lauder of Grange and Fountainhall tells of one humorous incident where Geikie once followed a particularly pompous , pot-bellied and self-assertive porter through the marketplace sketching as he went until the victim got angry and chased him into a house from whose attic window Geikie completed the sketch with some extra touches to show features of indignation to perfect the picture .
28 He was a bright boy , good at his lessons , but she told him that cleverness was only a virtue if you worked hard and used it to good purpose .
29 Se the room thermostat at a temperature which you find comfortable and leave it on that setting , allowing the thermostat to control the temperature of the room .
30 He was wound up like a spring , furiously angry , unable to keep still or to prevent himself from fidgeting .
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