Example sentences of "[verb] [be] going [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Advertisers ' Association , representing major advertisers , reckons that about IR£5m a year in ad money has been going outside the State , mainly to UTV and Channel 4 .
2 ‘ I did feel a bit ropey earlier in the week and a bug has been going around the club for sometime .
3 Or has been going in the past , and violence obviously can result in serious injury or at least death .
4 She could n't remember where she 'd been going at the time .
5 He 'd been going round the beat supping this over-proofed rum from the Customs .
6 I 'm here , the money you 're paying is going to the Treasury , not to your son ?
7 Well you must have been going during the day while I was at work then .
8 And he should n't have been going in the woods , should he ?
9 The same thoughts had been going through the minds of two other women with disabilities .
10 His secretary had been out to lunch , and he had been going through the files stored on the disk she was currently using , looking for a copy of a contract that he urgently needed to check .
11 They were standing by the desk in the library , where Theda had been going over the household accounts when the lawyer arrived , Hector , his wound still troublesome , laying at her feet .
12 Murray said one particular employee had been going about the depot under the influence of drugs .
13 Thirty minutes earlier she had been going up the stairs to read the newspaper on the toilet .
14 We had been going on the idea that whoever killed her lunged at her when she was standing up : a thrust parallel to the ground . ’
15 It had been a slow job , but as all this had been going on the elvers had been flooding into the basin .
16 William Rees , 61 , a consultant ophthalmic surgeon , of Tonteg , Mid Glamorgan , had been going to the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend , where a patient was already under anaesthetic , when police stopped him .
17 Never had anything been so well trumpeted to me ; surely there had been an element of hyperbole from so many colleagues and friends who had been going to the jamboree for years ?
18 In a few hours of concentrated assault he could destroy months of determined surreptitious growth ; but then he would discover some other , overlooked area where things had been going to the dogs unheeded and some valiantly struggling patch of wood anemone or bluebells had been choked to the last gasp .
19 The people who 've been going through the induction courses though for the last six months or so , they 're probably up , more able to speak to it , and you 're going to be better off actually than the , the old boys if you like and girls , because it 's going to be old dogs , new tricks , but as you wo n't know any different and you do this , then you 'll have an advantage over them .
20 I 've been going to the cinema ever since I was 7 years old and I 've seen fights at many films .
21 ‘ I 've been going to the races and washing up the dishes with my wife , as I need a bit of a rest before I start .
22 I 've been going to the Enquirer 's Course for months now ! ’
23 I 've been going to the gym .
24 And I 've been going to the shop and changing a note every time for the change .
25 ‘ I know a lady lawyer who can get you off , even if you 've been going round the shops buying poison , ’ he said .
26 Head : ‘ Much of what we 're discussing is going round the roundabout for the second time .
27 Since before the war animals have been going to the surgery for treatment .
28 Dozens more East Germans have been going to the West German Embassy in Warsaw , where by yesterday evening more than 400 had collected .
29 DANCE fans in Warrington who have been going to the Groover night at Mr Smith 's club now have a two-in-one dance night instead .
30 The catechumens and candidates have been going through the process known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ( R.C.I.A. ) and in his sermon Bishop Brewer gave an outline of the R.C.I.A. 's activities from its foundation after the Second Vatican Council in 1972 to the present .
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