Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [adv] [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Implementation of directives has been hopelessly inadequate in some countries , notably Greece and Italy .
2 Robson Rhodes has been equally uncompromising with some of its former clients .
3 A pilot scale rig dedicated to the exploration and development of the silver bullet process has been fully operational for some months .
4 Since the war the CIA has been very alarmed at some of the left-wing British governments , many of whose politicians it regards as friends of Moscow .
5 That argument has been very forceful in some countries for the last three or four decades at least .
6 The effect on the Sussex landscape of the disappearance of the elm has been very severe in some areas , notably the coastal plain , but the significance for birds is unclear .
7 However an increase is needed to take account of the growing number of elderly ( heavy users of the NHS ) and developments in health care technology , and increased spending has been more modest in some parts of the service , notably hospitals .
8 Does my hon. Friend agree that , in certain cases , it has been extremely difficult for some smaller pubs to be able to pay the amount of money that some of the brewers have been asking them to pay ?
9 The criticisms made are very similar to some of those made of the government 's programme for privatising nationalised industries , namely , the government may have a clear policy on transferring firms from the public sector to the private sector , but lacks a real industrial policy .
10 The order in which functional elements such as subject , predicator , and object may occur is more fixed in some languages than in others .
11 I also remember being extremely ashamed at some of the racist chants the Leeds fans were coming out with that night .
12 Although insufficient to provide the full service , these bogie cars were worked hard on the main line and sometimes worked to Thornton Heath but never to Addiscombe or Penge , where they might have been too long for some of the passing loops on these lines .
13 Whether Morrissey and Marr realise the degree of luck involved is still subject to some speculation , for the combination was of four very diverse musical influences .
14 The emergence of the ‘ monarchical ’ bishop seems to have been more rapid in some regions and cities than others .
15 She had drifted off , and had been fast asleep for some hours when the sound of someone 's keeping their finger pressed on her doorbell roused her from a deep sleep .
16 Yet in racing , in export credit guarantees and elsewhere , the Chancellor was reacting late in the day to complaints that had been clearly audible for some considerable time .
17 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
18 When asked if their shefi acted in too authoritarian a manner , some kolkhozniki at first said it was very rare , but then in peasant fashion slowly warmed up to the fact that they had been very angered by some young students who had written in Rabochii put ’ that their horses were badly fed and cleaned , and that they had not sown enough crops .
19 In the case of India , in fact , a highly protected market had been highly competitive in some key sectors of the economy .
20 This is a topic which has been the focus of some scholarly discussion , partly because Leonardo himself is known to have visited the city in 1500 , but mainly because Vasari , in the second edition of the Lives , stated that Giorgione had been greatly impressed by some unspecified works of Leonardo 's which he had seen .
21 The Liverpool Stipendiary the other day confessed he had upon more than one occasion watched members of the City Police Force on point duty in various parts of the city , and he admitted he had been extremely confused at some of the signals given to traffic .
22 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
23 The need for the movies to preach was very evident in some films but the vast majority of films reflected the styles and themes that movies people were working out for themselves in alliance with their audience as a whole .
24 In contrast simple probabilistic models have been extremely effective in some speech and language tasks .
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