Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [adv prt] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Forty-five years later Erika Barnes has been back to the village , now a thriving community .
2 Iain saying he has been back to the body , and looked into Christopher 's eyes .
3 The man who ran the world 's first sub-four minute mile has been back to the track where he made history nearly thirty five years ago .
4 rachel says she learnt to ski with Chantelle at Gloucester five years ago … she has been out to the snow a few times this season and to be good you have to be able to get out there but this slope is good … and almost like the real thing
5 And we went , because it , it 'd been at five o'clock you see , it 'd been up to the second , that was when it was up to the second step
6 She 'd been back to the shop twice hoping to chase the progress of her textiles order .
7 He 'd been down to the coke-cellar beneath the church , where the stage was stored , and with the assistance of Mr Peniket he 'd tried the curtains for size .
8 Yeah , well I 'd been out to the bin and er , he was just sort of erm by the ground by the bin bags the wood round the corner and er then he was sort of coming and he was like dying to come and have a stroke but
9 It would have been down to the Academy to appoint the next ruler of the Seven Planets .
10 That must have been down to the policeman .
11 And er he was just delighted to be back of course and first thing he did was up to the house and had a he had a look round and he was in the byre and had these two awful grand .
12 Patrick , so he told Franca , had been over to the flat at Victoria and had had a ‘ talk ’ with Marcus .
13 They had been on to the energy crisis , for example , years before it hit politics .
14 Some of those who had been out to the countryside or into factories to do their ‘ social practice ’ were even more critical of the existing regime .
15 Robert had been back to the gallery , to the annoyance , I felt sure , of the owner .
16 She had been down to the lochside in the early morning with a basket of crusts and potato peelings for the water birds and had left a row of neat black boot prints in the snow .
17 During the last week of September that year , Cornwall had been enjoying an Indian summer and Edna and Celia had been down to the Cove every day .
18 ‘ To be on the safe side , I 've been back to the beginning of the year .
19 Since then , several lucky Hairflair readers have been along to the Feature You studios in London for a fabulous make-over and photographic shoot — with some stunning results …
20 I have been back to the tavern but have never found this treasure . ]
21 Exactly one week after the IRA firebombed a shopping centre police have been back to the scene looking for possible witnesses .
22 I saw him — never mind how , I 'll tell you later , but the point is , he 's been up to the house and taken things .
23 Jeanie moaning , Lily weeing , she 's got a water infection so she 's been about to the loo about five thousand times
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