Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The advantage of this argument is that it allows one to define literature 's relation to reality in a much more positive and coherent way : both literature and the reality which it represents are of the same order and , according to Bakhtin , this order is ideological .
2 Has been in the same bank all the time .
3 ‘ This place has been in the same family for over a hundred years , and it was going strong before that time .
4 A marvellous opportunity to visit a forge that has been in the same family for five generations to see a working blacksmith .
5 Just five minutes walk from the centre of Bavaria 's leading resort , this first-class hotel has been in the same family for more than 300 years .
6 If your cash has been in the same account for some time , make sure it has n't been closed to new customers .
7 ‘ I 'll enjoy being on the same pitch as Tony Dorigo , who is probably the best No 3 in the country for composure on the ball when going forward .
8 I suggested that help might come from friends who 'd been through the same scenario , or from genuinely sympathetic relatives ( but not critical ones ! ) .
9 We 'd been in the same form for two terms without really speaking because we had separate friends and in any case at St Edward 's you were seated according to your exam results at the end of the previous term , so it was n't likely we 'd be close .
10 I keep Koi in the main pond and goldfish in the other and like many fishkeepers ( whom I suspect are in the same situation as I ) I felt that I would be happier with some sort of quarantine/treatment facility for use when I purchase new fish .
11 ‘ That is , if you do n't mind being in the same room as me for a few minutes ? ’
12 I mean if you speak three different languages you could use three different words to put the same sort of thought of a picture dog , chien , hound there 's probably an Italian and a and that but if you speak the languages then different words different codes if you like are for the same idea .
13 Singer Richard Fairbrass , stormed at the duo at No.12 with Magic Friend : ‘ They could n't have been at the same show .
14 It would not come although it must have been on the same day as the trip to the cathedral and her aunt had undoubtedly been with her .
15 Amelia may not have been in the same league as the great adventurers who scale mountain peaks , cross oceans and the icy wastes of the Antarctic and Arctic or shoot the white water rapids of unnavigable rivers , but she was a real traveller , ranked among those who actually get up and go , sacrificing security and facing the cold disdain of their bank managers .
16 If it had n't been a yorker I 'd have looked an absolute idiot , I would n't have been in the same street , let alone cricket ground .
17 In the machine shop , without Victor Wilcox to escort her , Robyn was as conspicuous in her high-fashion boots , her cord breeches and her cream-coloured quilted jacket , as some rare animal , a white doe or a unicorn , would have been in the same place .
18 Little John Tomlins should have been in the same room .
19 I could have been in the same room with the murderer back at Livingstone Manor .
20 She groaned and turned over , hoping she would fall asleep again , but her brain insisted on relaying pictures of her twin , so vividly that Dana could have been in the same room .
21 He loved being in the same film as James Mason .
22 because Youth and Carniki I knew are in the same building , which is why we wanted to see you
23 According to this view , interbreeding is at the same time the criterion of whether two forms belong to the same species ( e.g. the dark and pale forms of the arctic skua interbreed freely , so they belong to the same species ) , and also the reason why organisms in nature do fall into discrete categories , with few intermediates .
24 Writers and the books they produced were of the same type , full of antiquarian information and the archaic vocabulary that went with it .
25 The requirements that member states co-operate are at the same time strengthened .
26 ‘ I do n't think it does anyone any good to have been on the same patch of ground for five hundred years .
27 Tolonen had been of the same generation as the T'ang and they shared the same unspoken values .
28 If John had been of the same family as Jesus , moreover , his ‘ seal of approval ’ would have carried the additional authority of a royal warrant .
29 In essence those statutory provisions had been to the same effect .
30 We knew that inside were climbers who had been on the same route , who had seen us , who had spoken to us .
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