Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the small claims and summary cause summons are returned from court , the two dates given are input to the system and various reminder memos are then issued in connection with those dates .
2 Mrs M. Finnan , convenor of the Senior Citizens ' Lunch Club , has been elected to the Village Association Committee .
3 Dr Keith Suter of Australia has been elected to the Club of Rome , the prestigious international group of some 100 leading scientists , educators , philosophers and activists from 35 countries .
4 Kate has been elected to the Executive Committee as one of the representatives of the Dublin District Committee .
5 The new method of voting has been explained to the electorate .
6 TWO weeks after a South African diplomat was snubbed by Darlington Borough Council , a trade delegation has been invited to the town to create business links with local firms .
7 The organisers suggest using Thruxton or Old Sarum if you plan to arrive by air , but no transport has been arranged to the show .
8 The former Rangers striker has been recalled to the squad to face in-form Chelsea in the Coca-Cola Cup tonight and is set to appear for the first time in two months .
9 Robin Horner of Belmont has been recalled to the team as second to Willie Watson ( Knock . )
10 The public school plus Oxbridge system has never perceived any need for vocational education and consequently it has been denied to the student body at large .
11 She has been appointed to the Audit Commission as a manager in their Special Projects Unit , providing management consultancy to local authorities and the N.H. S. She is based in the Midlands .
12 One member of the university staff has been appointed to the trust .
13 has been appointed to the Board of as a non-executive director .
14 A suggested clause to be included in either the Articles or the subscription and shareholders ' agreement is : A director of the company who has been appointed to the board by a member or class of members pursuant to the Articles of Association to represent the interests of that member or class of members shall , notwithstanding any rule of law or equity to the contrary , not be considered in breach of his fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the company by reason only that in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his powers , he has regard to the interests and acts upon the wishes of that member or class of members when no honest and reasonable director could have formed the view that in so doing , the director was also promoting the interests of the company as a whole .
15 Michael Taylor has been appointed to the board of Northumbrian Water as finance director .
16 Dr C. A. Ramsden , CChem , FRSC , has been appointed to the chair of organic chemistry at the University of Keele .
17 A new non-executive member , Paddy Waring , has been appointed to the authority from April 1st and two senior health service managers have also been appointed .
18 Slade LJ continued by pointing out that , although the breach of a positive covenant is not always capable of remedy : Nevertheless , I would , for my part , accept … submission that the breach of a positive covenant ( whether it be a continuing breach or a once and for all breach ) will ordinarily be capable of remedy … the concept of capability of remedy for the purpose of section 146 must surely be directed to the question whether the harm that has been done to the landlord by the relevant breach is for practicable purposes capable of being retrieved .
19 The National Trust is currently undertaking a structural survey which will reveal the full scale of the damage , but it is already known that extensive harm has been done to the brickwork , windows and terrace .
20 We all know , and indeed can see with our own eyes , the damage that has been done to the countryside in pursuit of production .
21 Considerable restoration has been done to the property recently .
22 The girl is looking off-screen to the right , so she has been placed to the left of the frame to give her ‘ looking room ’ .
23 In a number of his soft-ground etchings one can discern the actual texture of the paper the original drawing was made on , which has been transferred to the plate by the pressure of the pencil in the larger tonal areas .
24 The property in Lichfield Road , Liverpool 26 has been extended to the rear , providing spacious accommodation .
25 And Lincoln was criticized , attacked for this , that er and he said in response to this the attention of the country has been called to the proposition that one who is sworn as the constitution says to take care that the laws be faithfully executed should himself not violate those laws a fairly reasonable proposition you might think , if your oath says to uphold the law then you start going round breaking the law er something wrong here somewhere methinks .
26 Next , multiply x by x 2 to give x 3 , and so on until x has been raised to the power y ( xy ) .
27 In island-driving left context is unavailable , while in the left-to-right strategies discussed previously right context is only available if some match , even if only a poor one , has been made to the beginning of the unit in question .
28 Reference has been made to the complexity of policy .
29 I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of the above site .
30 A submission has been made to the Minister for Social Welfare for inclusion in the Act .
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