Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] when i [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Could he honestly believe that when I went off to work at nine o'clock each morning I was really heading for some regular-as-clockwork day-long love-nest ?
2 I surveyed the scene around me and vowed that when I grew up I would marry a rich man who would carry me away from all this noise and squalor .
3 I was so purified and uplifted that when I came out and discovered my car had been towed away and I 'd have to fork out 70 quid , I was completely unruffled .
4 And then you thought that when I found out — which I did n't , I hasten to add — I came to blackmail you , for money — or acceptance .
5 ‘ Ana screamed and when I looked round you were n't there at all . ’
6 Now it would maybe not be appropriate if there was to be an alternative government bill that would deal with these type of matters er in front of us and please to say that when I read out the list of sponsors , it 'll be shown there are people from all parties , or all parties in Britain in this house , who are true democrats .
7 I do n't know but well I remember going out shopping and when I came back you 'd got
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