Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] at the end of " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend will know that at the end of November we made a number of requests to the Government of Libya .
2 … a set of men who live by death and never care to appear but at the End of Man 's Life … their Business is to watch Death , and to furnish out the Funeral Solemnity , with as much pomp and feigned sorrow as the Heirs or Successors of the Deceased chose to purchase : They are a hard-hearted Generation , and require more money than Brains to conduct their Business ; I know no one Qualification peculiarly necessary to them , except that is a steady , demure and melancholy Countenance at Command : I do not know , that they take Apprentices in their Capacity as Undertakers , for they are generally Carpenters , or Herald-Painters besides ; and they only employ , as Journeymen , a set of Men whom they have picked up , possessed of a sober Countenance , and a solemn melancholy Face , whom they pay at so much a Jobb .
3 There was clearly a close friendship between them , and the Office gives a moving account of his efficacy in curing her of some kind of fit : He came and found her mute , but when he had seated himself at her window and they had eaten together , it chanced that at the end of the dinner the recluse wished to sleep , and oppressed by slumber her head drooped towards the window where God 's saint , Richard , was reclining , and as she was leaning a litle on that same Richard , suddenly , with a vehement onslaught , such a grave vexation took her in her sleep that she seemed to wish to break the window of her house , and in that strong vexation she awoke , her speech was restored , and with great devotion she broke out into the words " Gloria tibi Domine " , and the blessed Richard completed the verse which she had begun .
4 He says that at the end of the Laws of Moses one finds the following words : " Moses , having heard the words of God , transmitted them to the Jews . "
5 ‘ In the gospels , Sir John , Christ says that at the end of the world the very heavens will rock and the planets fall to earth in a fiery blaze . ’
6 It must be accepted that at the end of the interview the child may have given no information to support the suspicion of [ sexual ] abuse and the position will remain unclear .
7 Second , it seemed that at the end of three years the debtor 's debts would be written off , although the Act 's drafting was not clear on this point .
8 Aung San 's demand for eleven seats out of fifteen was not conceded and at the end of the month the Governor appointed a Council of ten members , of whom only two were British .
9 Because when all said and done if at the end of two days you do n't feel that you 're any better at making a presentation then when you started then why have you been here for two days .
10 Our role is to propose a prudent council tax and that is what we 've done and at the end of the day I agree , the figures are juggled one way or another but it does show a net saving of one point three million and however you look at it Mr Mayor I 'm sure the leader of the council , if he adopted these proposals , could then find somewhere a sum for a stress control officer .
11 Yes , yes but if you do that you 're , you 're , you 're tea towel 's soaking and at the end of the night
12 But the protesters were oumumbered and at the end of an hour they had been thrown out , some of them after suffering enough physical damage to require a visit to the casualty department of Hammersmith hospital .
13 I do not believe that at the end of a week in which we have honed a new policy we are going to even contemplate bargaining that away in smoke-filled rooms with Paddy Ashdown , David Owen , or anyone else . ’
14 The conclusion must be drawn that at the end of the period 1978–83 , when America 's peace process was at its height , the dangers for the Middle East , particularly Israel , had increased rather than receded .
15 On his way he passed the main drive , and he could see that at the end of it the gates were open .
16 Some people , however , claimed that at the end of its run the mysterious tram disappeared on to a private spur line leading into the grounds of the presidential palace .
17 More money and more promotion wo n't bring him happiness and , I suspect that at the end of the day , neither will they satisfy you .
18 Well what this suggests is that and she likes Mary accounts as a legitimate string with and at the beginning of the sentence , but she likes Mary does n't , so you ca n't stick and at the end of the sentence .
19 So you 're not bothered if at the end of the two years they have n't even
20 There can be nothing worse for those employed in any industry than to have their incomes drastically reduced for two years on the trot and then be left twirling their thumbs wondering whether at the end of the next year they will still be in business — whether they can continue to be farmers and produce the food that Britain can use .
21 It makes you think but at the end of the day you 've trained your horses to be here and do it well .
22 And they know about what 's happening to them , and know that at the end of the day , it does n't matter about what their behaviour is , it does n't matter about what happens to them , because nobody cares .
23 Assume that at the end of the investor 's time horizon there are two possible end states , the first in which the share price has doubled and the second in which it has halved .
24 Our son 's achievement level soared and at the end of the school year he received a glowing report from his teachers .
25 As she plodded through her notes she decided that at the end of the month she would hand in her notice , and on the day she left she would brandish Elise 's diary before his eyes .
26 Even quite small companies parted with large sums to ensure that at the end of the line the fare-paying public would be greeted by an imposing terminal .
27 It was a sad , sorry business but many people feel that at the end of the day , the decision was the right one .
28 In February 1974 a mobile library service was inaugurated and at the end of its first ten years the number of books lent should have grown to nearly twenty times as many .
29 And he would you would really only have to verify because at the end of the day what you said about You you mentioned somewhere along there Ray about given the fact that they were inexperienced .
30 • is made before you start work under the new contract ; • is in writing ; • specifies the date at the end of the trial period ; and • specifies the terms of employment which will apply as at the end of that period .
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