Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] the same [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 In the second example , the comma is used to signal that the same clause represents new information .
2 It has also long been recognized that the same distinction occurs in attributive adjectives ( see , for instance , Jespersen , 1924 ) .
3 Similar experiments have been done by Blakemore , Hirsch and Spinelli , and others , which show that the same rule applies to other forms of selectivity .
4 The accuracy of data must be suspected when the same document reports that 22% of tonsillectomies in the Yorkshire region are performed as day case procedures .
5 As soon as the back marking algorithm finds a proof that some state N does not lead to a goal , it tests to see if the same proof applies to ancestors A of N. When the same proof works for A , it prunes A and all its other descendants too .
6 It may be thought that the same verdict applies to the third principle as well .
7 It is tempting to assume that the same rule applies , but quasar redshifts are , in some cases , very much bigger than any measured galaxy redshift , so the assumption involves considerable extrapolation .
8 ‘ The audit report is signed by the firm and not the individual partner , and therefore we believe that a higher level of independence is not demonstrated where the same name appears on the audit report year on year , whether or not there have been changes in the composition of the audit team . ’
9 Patterson attests that /a/ was raised after both velars ( /k/ and /g/ ) , and Gregg 's ( 1964 ) lists for Larne ( 20 miles north of Belfast ) indicate that the same pattern has applied there .
10 When a module name is first entered into LIFESPAN , it is checked to ensure that the same name has not already been chosen for another module .
11 Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd. v. Kamsing Knitting Factory ( 1978 P.C. ) established that the same principle applies where the innocent party immediately accepts the anticipatory breach as a repudiation of the contract .
12 On the eve of his own political crisis , Mr Major must wonder if the same fate awaits him .
13 Note if the same misspelling occurs more than once .
14 To begin with , her assertion that the U.K. undergoes ‘ extreme political shifts ’ sounds most peculiar when one considers that the same party has been in power for over a decade .
15 From this it is easy to go one step further and to say that the same thing happens in fictional discourse , except that it is a postulated or imagined model of reality — in short , a fiction — that is transferred to the addressee .
16 Kuhn claims that the same situation exists with respect to paradigms .
17 ‘ Ring round some of the other magazines and see if the same thing 's happened to them , ’ suggested Alex .
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