Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [vb base] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 All that is necessary is that the brain should be capable of imitation : memes will then evolve that exploit the capability to the full .
2 In this chapter we will examine what these statistics show and discuss the extent to which they provide an accurate picture of the range and extent of criminal behaviour .
3 We would like to open a TSB Interest Cheque account and also a Flexible Savings Account and authorise the Clerk to the Parish Council , to transfer money on our behalf between these accounts in person , in writing or by phone .
4 Ideally , the carrier should be easy to attach to the kiteline , either by capstan fitting , as shown for the camera carrier on page 75 , or held by a stop on the line with pigs ' tail wire wound links that allow the line to be worked into the central core .
5 The purchaser may need to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders if insufficient share capital or authority exists and consider the need to disapply any pre-emption rights .
6 I will draw a veil over the cheerless , fly-infested days that followed and shift the scene to Paris , where we arrived by train with no car and no money .
7 Measure and mark the fabric to the length of the measurements taken , plus allowances for covering roller and lath .
8 Continue and cross the field to gate , keep the hedgerow on the right .
9 His sadism is satisfied , at least at first , within the permitted limits of naval discipline , but it is accompanied by unpredictable moods and actions which disturb and perplex the crew to the point of mutiny , terrified as they are by the hostile surveillance of the officers and the malicious spying which William Bentley the midshipman carries on by his uncle 's order .
10 And I 'm afraid there is no way you can you , if you try and force the caf to be more a sort of caf that people who come to the cinema will patronize then it will not make a profit in my view .
11 ‘ Form a long line along the piece of road you 've been making and search the forest to the north . ’
12 Each is interactive , being an integral part of the others , and together they complement and extend the contribution to meeting the needs of all children .
13 He 's done all the work at the scene — all anyone can do — and then he has to cool his heels with the rest of us , waiting for God 's gift to forensic pathology to come screaming up with a police escort and break the news to us that what we all thought was a corpse is — surprise , surprise indeed a corpse , and that we can safely move the body . "
14 They then return and give the spoon to the next person .
15 They can therefore be considered to be close to the community they serve and have the potential to be advocates for the health needs of patients .
16 While the curtain is laid out flat , pin and tack the lining to the curtain along the marked top edge of the curtain .
17 With right sides facing , pin and tack the lining to the outer fabric on the seamline , 1.5cm ( ⅝in ) in from the raw edge , along the side and bottom edge .
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