Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [vb past] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He stopped talking as Marshka entered and wheeled himself into the empty space at the table , at that end farthest , on the right-hand side , from the president .
2 With all her strength , she forced herself to stand and threw herself around the corner .
3 This network of friendship and patronage became one of the less objectionable instruments of nineteenth-century electoral corruption and the instrument with which the small man met and defended himself against the state .
4 Trapped in a nightmare of indecision , I reluctantly agreed and prepared myself for the worst .
5 Everyone still standing , and that was at least half the passengers , did a little backwards dance and righted themselves by the simple expedient of taking hold of the person or object closest to them .
6 Kathleen turned and studied herself in the mirror .
7 Then she turned and eased herself over the lip , clambered down the old wooden steps set into the clay wall , and ran across towards the jetty .
8 Daak turned and hoisted himself into the speeder 's cockpit .
9 He sighed and lowered himself to the other end of the settee .
10 Then again they would just stand there , or squat down in the shade of a sand hill , their eyes fixed on the two endless parallels , following them out until they joined and lost themselves in the bush .
11 But she did not answer him , only bent and lowered herself into the water , hissing as the coldness burned into the wound , a faint moan escaping through her gritted teeth as she began to wash .
12 He anticipated and insured himself for the re-emergence of Richard Nixon from the political wilderness in 1968 , and correctly judged that Ronald Reagan would defeat Jimmy Carter in 1980 ( which was not such an inevitable result as the next eight years made it seem ) .
13 Robyn swore and flung herself at the stove , trying to scrape what was left of the bacon away from the bottom of the pan .
14 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
15 Recovering his balance with uncanny speed , he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim .
16 Robbie screamed and flung herself against the protective width of Fen 's chest .
17 I stopped going to parties , stopped drinking and threw myself into the regime of Ron 's hard training schedules .
18 In their remarkable study , Stallybrass and White argue that ‘ the bourgeois subject continuously defined and re-defined itself through the exclusion of what it marked out as ‘ low' ’ — as dirty , repulsive , noisy , contaminating .
19 Some of their stores were swept away , some of their mounts and pack-horses were bogged , or foundered and damaged themselves in the stones of the river beds .
20 Shots slammed into the walls inside the courtyard where the civilians cried and threw themselves on the ground .
21 Misreading the crumpled instructions I took the steps to the first floor , realised I should be on the fourth , so ran and eased myself through the closing lift doors , coming face to face with Malc .
22 By converting land into pasture for several years , the land has a chance to recover and rid itself of the heavy level of chemicals in its soil .
23 I felt I was going mad last night , so I wrote and wrote and wrote myself into the other world .
24 De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration .
25 She washed and dried herself between the legs and inserted a fresh tampon .
26 Firmly , however , he regrouped and readdressed himself to the task .
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