Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the many hours of sitting that we do , we lose the ability to squat or even the ability to sit down without falling down .
2 It had come as quite a surprise to discover he was charming , very generous , and enormous fun to be with .
3 I agree with the judge that " What is required for this purpose is not an intention to own or even an intention to acquire ownership but an intention to possess , " that is to say , an intention for the time being to possess the land to the exclusion of all other persons , including the owner with the paper title .
4 It came as quite a shock to enter the brightly-lit building .
5 It was acknowledged that some of the party 's previous policies had been potentially divisive , and the review was widely seen as both an attempt to attract new voters and as a means of attracting potential coalition partners from among the opposition parties .
6 Later Helen told Maureen that they had intended to wait until nearer the time to announce their news , but that seemed the right moment .
7 To escape from such a condition it must first be recognized and then a strategy to move backwards a step at a time until a new route is found must be followed .
8 Whatever the structure , an organisation needs people to make it work and hence the need to take into account the roles of individuals , their beliefs , values , motivations and how they interact with each other and with groups .
9 The huge variety of shapes is partly fashion and partly an attempt to avoid a phenomenon known as spin out .
10 It represented an open-ended public expenditure commitment with no way of imposing cash limits on the amount spent on prescribing and seemingly no way to check the number of people GPs referred to hospital .
11 KINDNESS and integrity are qualities to be appreciated and just the ones to restore your faith in human nature after such a distressing theft experience .
12 With the new machinery in operation , it is not only flexibility that has increased but also the ability to accommodate an increased diversity of product range .
13 The key to freeing the body to regain its lost dignity lies in inhibiting the unconscious habit of muscle tension ; only then may we perform actions in such a way that they become as much a joy to carry out as they are to watch .
14 The NCMD should not be regarded as merely a means to obtain sites and impress councils or other bodies .
15 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
16 People form collections of ideas into modes , ‘ as they have frequent use of in their way of living and conversation , leaving others , which they have but seldom an occasion to mention , loose and without names . ’
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