Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was also reminded that on the same floor I woke up one morning to find the sun shining through the curtains , it being the only day of the entire Frankfurt Book Fair that my room was not below cloud level .
2 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
3 Some people expect that in a few decades ' time youngsters will learn from their home tutor computers and rarely , if ever , have contact with a human teacher .
4 We found that for the same journey in the same conditions , our average mpg shot up to 52 .
5 It was hard to believe we had been indulging the same appetite for climbing and on the same crag I had visited during a July heatwave three years before .
6 Macbeth defends but at the same time accuses himself ; ‘ Thou canst not say I did it : never shake/Thy gory locks at me ’ ( 50f . ) .
7 The choice between searching for the least or most distant neighbours may depend on the experimental ( or even presentational ) needs because in the former case the algorithm finds more detailed and possibly informationally redundant order of probes , while in the latter case it finds a minimal set of probes connected by clones spanning large regions of the genome .
8 Teachers in ordinary schools need to be aware that some visually handicapped pupils may have these social needs while at the same time encouraging positive and enjoyable social interaction between pupils within the full range of vision .
9 She smiled down at him and realized that in the few weeks he 'd been with her he had not only put on weight but had grown a few inches in height too .
10 I did n't think that after a few years I would end up doing both ! ’
11 He believes ‘ Chicago will evolve back into one major large fair ’ , and Mr Blackman agrees that within a few years , ‘ there will be one show of real importance , or there will be two distinctly different shows ’ .
12 It is also recognized that at the same time there is a need for close cooperation with the other departments and sections of the organization and with the statutorily appointed external auditor , particularly with regard to the exchange of information and to making the best overall use of audit resources .
13 While the British were doing this , they learnt enough about the political situation in Bengal to realize that in a few months of confused and contradictory policy ( of which his aggressive and then conciliatory treatment of the East India Company was only one example ) Siraj-ud-Daula had lost the confidence of the Hindu merchants and bankers who ran the financial system and of some of the Muslims who ran the Bengal army .
14 He says that in a few years gas will become expensive , and coal will be waiting in the wings as a cheap form of energy .
15 But they hope that in a few days forty orphaned children will be on their way to a new life in England … leaving behind them an horror of war which has already killed thousands of innocent youngsters .
16 Sam obeyed and at the same time felt Rose grasp the tail of his own .
17 You are just lying there with these people washing , dressing and at the same time inflicting pain on you .
18 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
19 She is God 's creative energy as well as His power to destroy and at the same time she is His saving grace .
20 An increase in exports would be particularly beneficial in that the balance of payments would improve and at the same time national income will rise by an amount greater than the initial increase in exports .
21 Fixed-price contracts have been normal for production contracts but on occasion this has led to claims that excess profits have been made and in a few cases repayment of the excess has been enforced .
22 Not in any way connected but of no less interest and speculation are a few cup stones .
23 Whether two or more mental events count as of the same type in our sense , to repeat , is a matter of whether there is a discriminable difference in content , any such difference , whether or not the events are included under the same more or less general description .
24 In other cases there is land to spare and at the same time extreme population pressure plus unequal landholdings , such as in Brazil , where there is a constant stream of immigrants to the marginal lands of the North-East and to Amazonia .
25 Now the driver of the car had been traced and in a few minutes would be appearing at committal proceedings in the Magistrates ' Court on charges of dangerous driving , failing to report an accident , and failing to stop at the scene of an accident .
26 They disparage themselves for doubting and in the same breath defend their doubt like a treasured possession which nothing could persuade them to give up .
27 If she was nervous it remained hidden and in a few minutes she had put each of the sisters completely at ease , their shame and apprehension gone .
28 In 1991 there were fewer people killed on the roads in Lothian than at any time since 1975 when the Region was formed and at the same time the Region experienced the second lowest casualty total .
29 In the former case the profits arose where the property was situated and in the latter case where the rights were exercisable .
30 Of course , records are there to be broken and with a little luck , well , who knows ?
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