Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The Association found that for the first time the municipal government was taking its demands seriously and was prepared to make concessions which would effectively improve working conditions .
2 The power of traditional chiefs was curbed and for the first time women and young people were drawn into the political process .
3 Macbeth defends but at the same time accuses himself ; ‘ Thou canst not say I did it : never shake/Thy gory locks at me ’ ( 50f . ) .
4 Teachers in ordinary schools need to be aware that some visually handicapped pupils may have these social needs while at the same time encouraging positive and enjoyable social interaction between pupils within the full range of vision .
5 It was a terrible disappointment , my heart sank as for the first time I detected a stiffness in Leo 's voice .
6 Yorkshire Water has calculated that at the busiest time August Bank Holiday it could have 50,000 people using it .
7 Then he realised that for the first time he was looking into the front of a hurricane .
8 He realised that for the first time in weeks he had not thought of school , Murray , Fairbrother or the wretched affair of the letter .
9 But on 20 September the Commission announced that for the first time it would take Britain before the European Court of Justice .
10 Concluding a three-day visit to Vietnam on Feb. 1 , the US presidential envoy , Gen. John Vessey , announced that for the first time the USA was to provide assistance to typhoon victims .
11 It is also recognized that at the same time there is a need for close cooperation with the other departments and sections of the organization and with the statutorily appointed external auditor , particularly with regard to the exchange of information and to making the best overall use of audit resources .
12 A government survey of family shopping trolleys revealed that for the first time , we are buying as much low-fat milk as the traditional whole variety .
13 I am sure that my hon. Friend has seen this survey — Has he noticed that for the first time , in February , the indices for orders and output show a rise ?
14 Although there was widespread speculation as to the authenticity of the leaflets , experts believed that for the first time there was fairly solid evidence to show that the group was experiencing internal problems , with the possibility that a moderate faction had appeared to question the cult of leadership of Sendero leader Abimael Guzmán Renoso and his military strategy to bring down the state .
15 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
16 She now does yoga , and says that for the first time in her life she wakes up feeling calm and generally finds that thinking positively works .
17 Hope that for the first time in your life you 'll discover trust within yourself for another human being . ’
18 Details of the summer bonanza meeting , on a par with most of the top venues in the United Kingdom , were outlined at a House of Sport Press Conference today where it was revealed that for the first time the meeting will be held on a Saturday night ( 6pm start ) .
19 Commentators noted that for the first time since 1986 , the 1990 defence budget would fall below 1 per cent of Japan 's gross national product ( GNP ) — the decline being due more , however , to rapid economic growth rather than budgetary restraint .
20 Reviewing this same exhibition , both Allard and Apollinaire noticed that for the first time in several years the influence of Matisse and Fauvism was slight .
21 Sam obeyed and at the same time felt Rose grasp the tail of his own .
22 You are just lying there with these people washing , dressing and at the same time inflicting pain on you .
23 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
24 She is God 's creative energy as well as His power to destroy and at the same time she is His saving grace .
25 An increase in exports would be particularly beneficial in that the balance of payments would improve and at the same time national income will rise by an amount greater than the initial increase in exports .
26 In other cases there is land to spare and at the same time extreme population pressure plus unequal landholdings , such as in Brazil , where there is a constant stream of immigrants to the marginal lands of the North-East and to Amazonia .
27 Someone who , through years of toil among parish registers , discerns and for the first time explains the minutiae of demographic change in a northern mill town , is clearly doing that sort of thing .
28 In 1991 there were fewer people killed on the roads in Lothian than at any time since 1975 when the Region was formed and at the same time the Region experienced the second lowest casualty total .
29 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
30 Sales of prime London properties are picking up and the latest quarterly bulletin from the London Research Centre shows that for the first time in over a year , average prices have not fallen .
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