Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] back to the " in BNC.

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1 They are not reasons for the impulses but causes that hark back to the primitive responses that we share with many animals ; yet qualified by noting that we , unlike dumb brutes , can reflect upon our impulses and resist them if we so decide , as happened in my example .
2 He put the letter in his Out tray and moved on to another piece of paper , and then he stopped and went back to the first letter .
3 It has stuck to an antiquated way of operating that harks back to the days of guild power , and has refused to countenance criticism .
4 The leaders turned and rode back to the inferno of a village .
5 In Type I disease , the calves have usually been set-stocked in one area for several moths ; in contrast , Type II disease often has a typical history of calves being grazed on a field from spring to mid-summer , then moved and brought back to the original field in the autumn .
6 Then he drags his victim into the bushes or the trees , kills and cuts back to the other road and the car and makes his getaway .
7 Then we 'd dress and go back to the bar , order
8 The information is then downloaded and sent back to the customer .
9 She turns and goes back to the house .
10 She stared at me blankly for a moment , then turned and went back to the sitting room .
11 ‘ Cheers , lads , ’ Duncan said as we turned and went back to the pillar .
12 Now , they turned and walked back to the cottage , with the wind behind them .
13 As she disappeared from view , Barney turned and walked back to the car .
14 He turned and walked back to the desk .
15 She turned and ran back to the house before he could say anything else .
16 He had both a yellow and a red stain across his chest and he was turning around with his arms out appealing for a referee , then he turned and trudged back to the farmhouse for his time penalty .
17 He turned and headed back to the Montego , pausing as he opened the door .
18 This uplift brought with it many large colonies of corals one of which , this massive colony of , we sampled and brought back to the lab .
19 At the beginning of each new shot , the tape first back-tracks over the last few seconds of the previous recording , after which it reverses and returns back to the edit-point during which the camcorder 's electronics find and lock onto the previously recorded control-pulses .
20 Keith nodded and darted back to the house and Jinny walked on down the path , trying to ignore Rachel , who was in the doorway .
21 Listen , have you got to stay on at the track , or is it possible for you to leave and come back to the hotel ? ’
22 In a closed-loop stepping motor system the instantaneous rotor position is detected and fed back to the control unit .
23 Pilots have complained that airlines force them to work long hours , new jets are being grounded or sent back to the manufacturers for modification , and the government has been attacked for a series of embarrassing lapses at major airports .
24 Before he received any answer , the arresting policeman shut the door , warned him that he would be arrested for obstruction if he persisted and went back to the driver 's seat .
25 Riley snarled and went back to the newsroom .
26 She blushed and went back to the chair in which old Eddy had died .
27 Florida is the shock of the new jutaposed with '40s and '50s kitsch and the magnificent turn-of-the-century beachfront resorts that date back to the days when the Northern grandees , steamer trunks and servants in tow , would descend by private rail to the exclusive enclaves of Sarasota , Palm Beach and Miami .
28 Who would mark that fly watching you , transmitting what it saw and heard back to the eye-screen from anywhere within a compass of twenty kilometres ?
29 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
30 A youth in Union Jack shorts and nothing else whistled approvingly and they laughed and sauntered back to the car .
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