Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If future league tables report disaggregated profiles for resources and costs for each study then the costs may be validated or recalculated for the decision maker 's own setting .
2 " Collection " covers " a collection got together for a temporary purpose " , but not one " made or exhibited for the purpose of effecting sales or other commercial dealings " .
3 If the acquiring company refuses to provide , or is incapable of providing , clear instructions , if it refuses to accept and/or pay for the equipment or software , if it tampers with the programs , misuses them and allows employees to copy them freely , the supplier will need to take action .
4 Some school pupils may , however , prefer to visit the Office , in which case they are invited to write or telephone for an appointment ( see section ‘ Addresses for Enquiries ’ ) .
5 OLDHAM have placed Paul Round , their second-row forward , on the transfer list for £95,000 , claiming he is in breach of contract for refusing to train or play for the club , writes Paul Fitzpatrick .
6 They found that allowing for the tax timing option ( as well as stochastic interest rates and different income and capital gains tax rates ) in the no-arbitrage condition resulted in the no-arbitrage prices of the S&P500 moving much closer to the actual prices for the period June 1982 to September 1982 than if no such adjustments were made to the no-arbitrage condition .
7 It owns one steam locomotive especially designed and built for the project which has successfully managed services since it was delivered in October 1986 .
8 Systems have alreeady been designed and installed for a variety of chilled products , including sandwiches , poulty and poultry products , prime cuts of meat , meat products , such as pies and pasties , pizzas and so on .
9 But another thing to be shown how to do it and that 's what , really what we want to try and do for the rest of the talk is to not just keep preaching at you and telling you what to do , but to show you how , so that 's the purpose of the talk from now on , now in this outline there are , I 've got about fourteen different points here and it 'll highlight ways in which we can er stay awake , what I 'm going to do is to read straight through them and then we 'll go back and pick a couple out , because it 's impossible to concentrate on the entire er amount , so we 'll do that , it 's er a number of things we can do to keep virtually awake keep up with the food at the proper time from Jehovah 's organizations that 's studying and things like that is n't it ?
10 Any golfer who qualified for the Tour had assuredly earned and paid for the privilege .
11 Although it would be glib to presume that the removal of a pupil from his or her usual classes is necessarily the wrong strategy , there are obvious contradictions in operating a system based on negative sanctions and the off-loading of responsibility for one group whilst attempting to accept and cater for the diversity of the rest .
12 Wallace and Speed were the scorers … shame Town ca n't appeal and ask for a replay
13 His family used to come and stay for a week every year in a cottage across the dale and Martin would come and visit me on a regular basis .
14 Men have been known to write and ask for a picture of me in a bathing costume .
15 They entered and asked for a room for the night and a meal of cold meat and beer , which they ate in the bar .
16 Lord Jesus , we cry to You that You will bring peace to those who use force to try to gain their selfish way ; use Your people to be peacemakers ; help us to work and pray for a world where You will be King .
17 BELOW : Guard , , society membership secretary is pictured with the carriages he designed and built for the railway .
18 She rose and stooped for the shell .
19 Without a word , Roberts rose and headed for the service hatch .
20 Halfway down the length of the tunnel a patten caught an advancing man under the chin so that his alarmed cry was cut off short as he was lifted and carried for a distance of several paces before he fell away .
21 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
22 fra , ma frame of mind , you got to demand and wait for the answer , even though it might take a minute for the to say erm , erm , oh we use erm , you know , we 've got a , a , a local van that comes and se , like , you know .
23 Locke thus belongs to the tradition of contract theory which usually carries with it an implication of ultimate political power and rights belonging to the people ; and the fact that he explicitly develops and allows for a right of resistance also gave his doctrine a subversive potential of which later radicals made effective use .
24 Every time that it comes to capping regulations , those same authorities are blamed and pilloried for the spending for which Ministers have happily claimed the credit .
25 He stopped and thought for a moment .
26 When he realized that Adam was not one of his colleagues , he stopped and reached for the revolver in his belted holster .
27 The Pan-African Union for Social Democracy called for the total rejection of any modification of the election timetable , while on Sept. 15 the National Alliance for Democracy ( AND ) , a grouping of about 40 political parties , demanded that the 12-month transition period be respected and called for a reshuffle of André Milongo 's transitional government .
28 During my early career , for instance , when one of the shift was caught and sentenced for a string of burglaries , the others skirted around their implicit knowledge that ‘ there but for the grace of God goes everyone ’ , and comforted themselves by recalling ( with the aid of the hindsight-ometer ) that he had ‘ never been a real polis … always been a bit of a loner , something of an outsider … ’
29 Their feet became stuck and they could then easily be caught and killed for the pot .
30 The need to develop effective action to implement that trust is a dramatic illustration of how economic forces need to be contained and controlled for the good of the world community right across both frontiers and generations .
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