Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] in the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 More positively , we discover how problems that result from the shrinking of family ties to what we call the ‘ nuclear family ’ are alleviated or avoided in the more flexible kinship arrangements of many tribal peoples .
2 I have seen Koi survive and thrive in the most unlikely ponds , providing their owners provide knowledgeable TLC , and I have witnessed good carp caught by anglers using rods apparently fit only to support runner beans .
3 For a while business was brisk , then the crowd drifted away to watch an old man further down the lane who cavorted and danced in the most fantastical way .
4 They seemed so much less menacing than the crows that pecked and fought in the newly harvested fields at home .
5 The creature writhed and grimaced in the most horrible manner , malignance imprinted in its every contour .
6 Charity turned and looked in the faintly wavering glass behind their bedroom door .
7 long time see , see such an impression of dodgy back acting , poor old William Roche who plays Ken Barlow in Coronation Street has been moaning and groaning and wincing and rising in the most frightful and indeed the most convincing of manners , he has even for the match of the
8 My staff and governors wonder if the town council would be willing to help and restore in the much loved seat .
9 Deixis is the most context-specific linguistic element , and it exists and occurs in the most situation-free as well as the most situation-bound utterances .
10 However , this volume , which appeared in 1916 , can remind us how techniques of archaeology have changed over this century , since the volume included hardly any of the small and often illegible coins which have been found and published in the more recent ( 1981 ) volume of Sardis finds .
11 … the complete Union of the two countries is stamped and sealed in the most satisfactory and solid manner for it is not only a union of the two governments — the two sovereigns — it is that of the two nations !
12 Yet it is all ordered and organized in the most exquisite manner .
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