Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [Wh det] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The latter measure made it worthwhile for the Americans to try and do what the British had failed at , making British films which would go down well in America .
2 ‘ I left lecturing to try and see what the big wide world had to offer , but things never worked out .
3 If the NCVQ was too narrow in its concern with those skill-based qualifications which satisfied employers , the local manager could only wait and see what the final outcome would be between the force of BTEC ( arguing for greater breadth and balance ) and NCVQ .
4 Theresa I 'm going to have to stop you and I 'm going to have stop you as well Sue and can I say that we 're going to need to wait and see what the Prime Minister has to say .
5 Fowler divided the English-speaking world into ( 1 ) those who neither know nor care what a split infinitive is ; ( 2 ) those who do not know , but care very much ; ( 3 ) those who know and condemn ; ( 4 ) those who know and approve ; and ( 5 ) those who know and distinguish .
6 The techniques just described are no more than guidelines in what remains the creative art of studying and describing what an experienced worker is doing or will be required to do .
7 At each anniversary National Savings will write and say what the guaranteed rate is for the next 12 months .
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