Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Consumers do not confuse the availability of good physical facilities with good quality ; such facilities may tempt a consumer to choose a particular shop , but it is the quality of the staff which will determine whether the consumer will buy or return a second time . ’
2 If the English do not like children , it is because they think they ought to behave properly , responsibly and quietly in their presence and can never riot or have a good time when they 're around .
3 Tenacious and long-memoried , they had not allowed themselves to be uprooted or changed a second time .
4 Just imagine a single garment that can be mixed and matched a million times to look different and devastating every time .
5 He looked across at the other two , who were laughing and taking a long time to get Maggie 's drink .
6 Mandy was sitting at a table with other staff , all of them laughing and having a wonderful time .
7 He paused during a hectic sightseeing tour of London to add : ‘ We 're shattered but having a great time . ’
8 For example , in the fastest city of them all — which turned out to be Boston , not New York , which was third after Buffalo — the researchers noted that to get the exact time of day the telephone company requires you to dial N-E-R-V-O-U-S .
9 Mark Saunders admits that car receivers should not rely exclusively on reception of the CT ( clock ) and date information but use the RDS to set and correct the displayed time .
10 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
11 I do n't know the full system but you are being evaluated and tested the whole time .
12 An hour later , when the board had been filled and emptied a hundred times and the duster was whiter than Rose 's hair after a day under the machines , the children sat back , dazed by the splendour of Miss Harker 's academic prowess and not a whit the wiser for it .
13 The more entrenched feeding problems can be very difficult to treat and take a long time to show improvement .
14 Certain kinds of illness and illness-proneness are experienced : people are more likely to catch a cold or flu , for example , and be less able to shake it off ; they feel generally run down and may suffer from mysterious but more debilitating viruses , such as ME or glandular fever , that are difficult to diagnose and take a long time to clear up .
15 She stopped singing when he knocked on the door , but he had to wait and knock a second time before she invited him in .
16 So we are obliged to interpret calls as meaning ‘ phones ’ and her as referring to ‘ the beautiful girl with long black hair with whom he danced and had a good time ’ .
17 All might go well and you might simply relive and re-experience a happy time in your life .
18 Gurder 's mouth opened and shut a few times .
19 The girl 's mouth opened and shut a few times .
20 They were packed , with stunning girls in evening frocks escorted by officers on leave from all three services , and lucky locals like Charles with nothing very much to do except have a good time when duties permitted .
21 Only when Chuck reloaded and shot a third time did the animal slowly crumple to the ground and roll onto its side , leaving one great horn curving majestically upward above the tall grass .
22 So he has a drink , talks to the barman , starts dancing and has a good time all at the ‘ club ’ .
23 I went and had a lovely time .
24 If the gallery outside the silver door had hummed and quivered and thrown out heat before , now the sensations were magnified and multiplied a hundred times as Calatin set the Silver Looms to harness the power of the sorcerer .
25 A pseudo-variable which reads and sets the elapsed time clock .
26 ‘ One minute , ’ said Elinor , who seemed to have cheered up considerably , ‘ there he was laughing and joking and having a good time .
27 He swayed and teetered a few times , and there were gasps from the onlookers .
28 What about the parent who says to their son or daughter ‘ You go and have a good time .
29 ‘ You go and have a good time .
30 Go and have a swell time at our fancy-dress party .
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