Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [prep] the new " in BNC.

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1 But attempts to understand particular turbulent flows , as outlined in Chapters 19–21 , have not been significantly modified or aided by the new developments .
2 William Hughes and the Unitarian William Roscoe , following Granville Sharp 's argument in the 1770s , asserted the scriptural sanction of slave trading to have only particular application ; they tried to bolster scripture as a reliable instrument of antislavery revelation by insisting that Harris ' reliance on the Old Testament had to be modified or abrogated by the New Testament .
3 It will be seen that work on the new bore is well advanced in this view from 30th June 1951 .
4 The Hilliard Ensemble marks the quincentenary here with two distinct discs , one of works by composers associated with the courts of Ferdinand and Isabella , and other of music by Hispanic musicians living and working in the New World .
5 New job descriptions hasve been written , personnel selected and trained for the new roles .
6 Though the yarn was prepared and spun in the new water-powered mills in the valleys , weaving long remained a domestic craft that was practised in the older settlements on the hillsides .
7 As half of the first full-time two man drug squad in the North-East of England , I was tasked with defining and dealing with the new social aberration of ‘ flower power ’ , ‘ the counter culture ’ , and the ‘ psychedelic trip ’ .
8 The erudition acquired in his Oxford years was displayed in copious references to the medieval doctors , to the Church Fathers , and to Plato and Aristotle before them , in order to show that no infallible revelation could dispossess reason from her task of pursuing truth : not only must the Scriptures be interpreted in the light of reason , but the Old Testament must be seen as leading to the New by progressive revelation .
9 These issues will be explained and illustrated in the new booklets and audio visuals , which are designed for use by women activists and community leaders in discussion groups and workshops .
10 We 'll be talking motor racing and talking to the new Eddy Jordan Formula One team .
11 He added that he hoped ScotRail 's achievements would be preserved and strengthened in the new structure of the railway industry .
12 Mr Prescott said that he hoped ScotRail 's achievements would be preserved and strengthened in the new rail structure .
13 These have been preserved and incorporated into the new , impressive church .
14 Upon completion of the procedure the form should be logged and returned to the New OED Computer Group .
15 The Scottish League management committee will now discuss the matter on Thursday along with the topic of how many clubs should be relegated or promoted to the new divisions once established .
16 A single SSR can then be used to close off the original SPR when the originator is satisfied that all useful information has been extracted and transferred onto the new SPRs .
17 A single SSR can then be used to close off the original SPR when the originator is satisfied that all useful information has been extracted and transferred onto the new SPRs .
18 He remembers that work on the new school building had to be completed by the end of August since the hop kilns were needed in September .
19 A man aged twenty who was driving the car has been arrested and charged with the new offence of aggravated vehicle taking .
20 The main vessels that are cut and connected to the new liver are biliary duct , the hepatic artery which supplies the liver with blood from the heart , the portal vein which drains blood from the stomach and the gut and the hepatic vein which takes the blood back to the heart .
21 Grieco 's work is based on a detailed case study in the Northamptonshire steel town of Corby , and smaller studies of women in the fisheries industry in Aberdeen and of people migrating from the East End of London to live and work in the new town of Basildon , on London 's outer fringes .
22 He thus denied himself any further influence , but the radicals who did join what was now called the Derry Citizens ' Action Committee did not dictate the pace of events and had little which was distinctive to say or propose within the new body .
23 The Act distinguished clearly between ‘ rules of conduct , ’ which are to be scrutinised and approved within the new statutory machinery , in which the ‘ designated judges : ’ see section 119(1) , each have a crucially important role to play : see Schedule 4 , paragraphs 5(10) , 11(10) and 16(4) , and ‘ mechanism for enforcing the rules of conduct : ’ see section 17(3) ( b ) .
24 The final report of the working party considering the content of music courses in the National Curriculum strongly affirms the centrality of performing , composing and listening in the new syllabus .
25 The Further and Higher Education Bill currently before Parliament will ensure that a wide range of educational provision for students with disabilities and learning difficulties is maintained and developed in the new further education sector .
26 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
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