Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If , on the other hand , he was not genuine in writing the letters and had connived or conduced to the fraudulent behaviour of the son , or was even aware of it and consented to it , then he would not under any logical analysis have written the letters in these terms .
2 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
3 Kylie would spend hours listening to the radio , singing or humming along the latest hits .
4 The delivery process is completed or settled by the short delivering an eligible cash market good to the long and the long making payment to the short at the invoice price or amount .
5 The second principle used in tone-unit boundary identification is a rhythmical one : it is claimed that within the tone-unit , speech has a regular rhythm , but that rhythm is broken or interrupted at the tone-unit boundary .
6 Preston sought anaesthesis in the colour supplement he had brought with him and was distracted for a while by a feature on Great Journeys undertaken or contemplated by the Rich and the Famous .
7 The Crown accepted that the income of the settlement arose or accrued to the three trustees jointly and not jointly and severally so that none of them was entitled , in law , separately to any particular share or fraction of the income .
8 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
9 During his career , the Master of Stair showed himself to be willing and able to flow or turn with the prevailing political tide , changing sides as it suited his purpose or ambition .
10 If the rider 's weight is in front of the horse 's , he may cause the horse to fall or stop in the above instances .
11 AIthough the number of workers in the transport industries may have declined , it does not follow that the number of transport workers in the wider economy has also fallen or fallen to the same extent .
12 There are also transaction costs involved in acquiring and/or disposing of the requisite foreign exchange .
13 Something like seventy five percent or sixty six or seventy five percent of the , of the units which we actually let , of the houses that we actually let , go to homeless families you know , it is a complete fiction to suggest , or even try and suggest as this does that somehow or other houses are being allocated willy-nilly to people who have massive resources who could go out and buy or rent in the private sector .
14 The ideal approach is to choose the software to fit the application and then buy the hardware it needs or subscribe to the appropriate bureau .
15 … ’ Schedule 3 specifies all documents , correspondence and memoranda relating to any accounts or assets , owned or controlled by the first 16 defendants , and to their dealings with the assets of the defendants or the sums described in Schedule 1 .
16 The extra three month interval often helps as the initial model or release is nearly always modified or upgraded by the following Spring .
17 But attempts to understand particular turbulent flows , as outlined in Chapters 19–21 , have not been significantly modified or aided by the new developments .
18 William Hughes and the Unitarian William Roscoe , following Granville Sharp 's argument in the 1770s , asserted the scriptural sanction of slave trading to have only particular application ; they tried to bolster scripture as a reliable instrument of antislavery revelation by insisting that Harris ' reliance on the Old Testament had to be modified or abrogated by the New Testament .
19 I believe that the stricter interpretation above has to be preferred to the common-sense interpretation , because I believe the ASB was trying to follow the exemption in the Companies Act , so that cash flow statements would be included or excluded on the same criteria as group accounts .
20 These restrictive measures , sponsored by Ramsay MacDonald , which are never to be forgotten or forgiven by the Labour party , were defended as the inevitable product of the continuing economic crises of the 1930s .
21 Having ‘ failed ’ to find the curriculum or examination version of the Holy Grail for themselves during the sixties and seventies ( and having exhausted themselves in the process ) the schools are , at the moment , resigned to accepting a string of panaceas from without — the YTS/TVEI initiatives are now being superseded or subsumed by the National Curriculum cure-all .
22 Enter A to view all process models which have been installed or deinstalled since the specified start date .
23 And more enquiries to be made : anyone walking or driving along the following route between nine-thirty and ten-thirty last Wednesday evening …
24 There is plenty of scope for walking or climbing in the Outer Isles and on the mainland , and the exercise is often welcome after being in the cramped quarters of a small boat .
25 WHAT a ridiculous idea for parents to be fined or punished for the bad behaviour of their children .
26 Obviously there is not a club atmosphere at Harlequins , and in most other sports they would be fined or disciplined for the unfair competition they are setting up in the league , both from the top and bottom sides .
27 I di I dive off the first board but I could n't even jump or drop off the second board .
28 At the same time Gardiner takes a curiously prudish line on the emotional mainsprings of Epstein 's art by denying or glossing over the disturbing sexual elements in his pre-1914 work , including ‘ Rock Drill ’ and in later pieces such as ‘ Jacob and the Angel ’ .
29 Let it be supposed that according to the usual methods of borrowing and funding , the Public Debts , during the present war , should encrease to no greater degree than they did in the last war ; which was about 30 millions : And let it be supposed , according to past experience , that in ten or twelve years after a peace ; we should be plunged into a fresh war ; which might encrease the debts of the nation 30 millions more , and that afterwards we should have another breathing time of ten or twelve years , and that according to custom a third war should ensue , no less expensive than each of the former two ; these three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions , and that in little more than fifty years .
30 The treaty , covering the external aspects of German unification , complemented that signed by the two German states on Aug. 31 [ see p. 37661 ] and removed the last major obstacle to unification on Oct. 3 , 1990 .
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