Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [noun] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Smith emphasises that designers here need business advice and assistance more than glitzy awards .
2 Social security appeal tribunals are categorized as the least formal of the tribunals investigated , but it is reported that appellants nevertheless found attendance before them a nerve-wracking ordeal .
3 Sharp and Dust ( 1987 ) found that teachers rarely perceived art teaching as little more than giving pupils a title , providing materials and allowing the assignment to progress without any more guidance or evaluation .
4 The president of a village tribunal in another Low Country district reported that peasants often made use of ritual to solve minor disputes .
5 In horses , its prevalence is difficult to establish since infections rarely become patent although it is frequently incriminated as a cause of chronic coughing .
6 This assumes that firms always set price equal to average costs because they are constrained by the level of competition to making only normal profits .
7 It is argued that markets necessarily coordinate demand and supply ex post rather than ex ante .
8 That was done and completion actually took place is pleaded as the twenty second of November , the er defendants admit completion took place on or about the twenty fifth of November .
9 With the backing of the BBC , the guarded co-operation of the couple and the collaboration of a fine screenwriter , Andrew Davies , a full-length film drama was prepared and Gerard even secured permission to film in Cape Town .
10 This has forced other manufacturers to follow suit as the latest market research confirms that customers now put safety at the top of their list of desirable features in a car .
11 Marx claimed that bureaucrats typically lacked initiative and imagination , though this did not prevent them from trying to expand their powers and privileges .
12 If these contracts require consent to assign or novate the purchaser may insist that completion only takes place once a specified number of consents have been given or , in particular , consents in relation to the most important contracts comprising a specified percentage of annual turnover .
13 Experience has shown that pupils readily learn system handling skills .
14 Mr Brown alleged that Grugel twice asked plasterer Peter McCabe for some plaster boards and when he threatened to tell the police Grugel assaulted him , causing a laceration above his eyebrow which needed hospital treatment .
15 Mr Brown alleged that Grugel twice asked plasterer Peter McCabe for some plaster boards and when he threatened to tell the police , Grugel assaulted him , causing a one inch laceration above his left eyebrow .
16 ‘ It 's a film about boy meets girl but only the audience can decide if boy actually gets girl , ’ said director Bob Bejan .
17 Buzzell and Gale then regress ROI on both market share and relative quality of product and find a 4.7 per cent ROI differential per ten points of market share .
18 The average number of BrdU-labelled oligodendrocyte precursor cells fell by 80% in the TTX-treated nerve , but there was no significant change in the numbers of BrdU-labelled cells in the remaining population , indicating that TTX specifically blocks proliferation of the oligodendrocyte precursor cells ( Fig. 2b ) .
19 Freud did not hold that instincts directly caused behaviour , uninfluenced by the surrounding cultural values .
20 This does not mean that governments always take action when researchers identify a social problem , or act upon their findings .
21 I should record that Woolwich also sought recovery of the money paid to the revenue on the alternative ground of compulsion .
22 Wife or not , she knew that Stephen never gave praise unless he thought it was due .
23 Some people think that Jesus still meant death in the sense that it might be said today that a person had ‘ fallen asleep ’ when they had died .
24 Ghorbanifar and Secord both remembered North at his wits ' end , pacing back and forth , describing how the contras were dying ; Secord was pestered continually , and admitted that he never sent the rebels ‘ as much as Ollie thought we should ’ .
25 Earlier that night he and a friend of Mr Patterson were thrown off the premises for fighting because Sharpe allegedly spilt beer over the other man 's girlfriend .
26 Several witnesses , including other patients and Dr Mumby 's staff , said that patients generally welcomed company during skin testing sessions , and all three expert witnesses ( myself , Professor Anne Ferguson for the GMC , and Dr Jonathan Brostoff for the defence ) said that privacy was necessary only in special circumstances .
27 Those extreme inductivists , the logical positivists , went so far as to say that theories only have meaning insofar as they can be verified by direct observation .
28 But feminists may be well aware that , in calling God Father , it is not intended to say that God literally has sexuality , while yet wanting to maintain that this is problematic .
29 It must be stated that Yamamoto never wanted war with the United States and advised against it .
30 The bar was patented and Nelson duly became president of the Eskimo Pie Corporation .
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