Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at [num] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A customer who shops regularly at one retail outlet will get to know where the items she normally buys are displayed .
2 Luke 's kiss , withheld to torment her for a moment while he stared into her darkened eyes , was an insult when it came , and yet insufficient to her hunger , because his mouth was torn away from hers again almost at once , plunging to suckle hard at one exposed breast for several agonising seconds , the message blatant — she was desired , and despised .
3 All finished at twenty two , twenty five twenty eight twenty eight still , twenty eight then , all done now at twenty eight pounds .
4 Yeah but he g er came here at fifteen bloody months old did n't he ?
5 All done then at four hundred pounds any more ? one five .
6 Lot a hundred and thirty tortoiseshell box now showing , Lot a hundred and thirty and I have four hundred offered for this one , four twenty , fifty , four eighty , five hundred , and fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty and fifty nine hundred at nine hundred pounds fifty , one thousand one hundred two hundred one thousand three hundred four hundred , five hundred , six hundred , seven hundred , eight hundred , nine hundred , two thousand , two hundred two thousand four hundred two thousand six hundred two thousand eight hundred , three thousand three thousand pounds it 's your bid at three thousand any advance on three thousand pounds , are you all done then at three thousand pounds ?
7 All done then at seven hundred pounds , seven fifty , eight hundred eight fifty , nine hundred , nine fifty , one thousand one hundred at one thousand one hundred in the fifth row , any more at one thousand one hundred and I shall sell at one thousand one hundred pounds .
8 At forty , all done then at forty five standing , fifty fifty five , sixty sixty five standing at sixty five , any more at sixty five all done at sixty five , seventy seventy five eighty eighty five ninety ninety five one hundred one ten one twenty one thirty forty one fifty sixty one sixty .
9 One afternoon , a week later , I decided the time had come to stop dithering like a Victorian maiden and to write to Bill , when I got off at ten that night , asking if no news was good news .
10 It 's going in at sixty five pounds the lot .
11 Are you all finished now it 's going in at sixty eight pound .
12 It 's going in at seventy five pounds the lot .
13 It 's going in at thirty four pound .
14 It 's going in at thirty eight pounds the lot .
15 They 're going in at thirty two pounds the lot .
16 It 's going in at thirty two pounds .
17 Any advance on fifty eight pound for the lot ? going in at fifty eight pounds .
18 It 's going in at fifty eight pound .
19 Going in at fifty five pounds .
20 It 's going in at fifty five pounds the lot .
21 It 's going in at ninety eight pounds the lot .
22 It 's going in at ninety five pounds .
23 It 's going in at twenty two pounds the lot .
24 It 's going in at twenty four pound .
25 It 's going in at twenty six pounds the lot .
26 It 's going in at forty two pounds the lot .
27 It 's going in at forty two pound .
28 No longer do institutes look vertically at one particular product ( such as poultry or sheep ) but at horizontal themes such as plant molecular biology .
29 First , I am pleased that by means of this debate , we are able to look closely at one particular education service for adults .
30 I got up at eight this morning
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