Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at [art] [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 He affixed a small jewellers ' eyeglass to his eye , and peered in at the device 's workings more closely .
2 By way of diversion we stopped off at the army 's counter-intelligence headquarters .
3 Opponents of sales see them as reducing a vital social resource built up at the ratepayers ' expense , while proponents see sales to long-standing tenants as almost a recourse to ‘ natural justice ’ , although there are also the political overtones of the desire of Conservative politicians to build up a property-owning base to their vote .
4 John looks up at the cop 's face .
5 A noisily closing door made them glance up at the ship 's sunlit bridge .
6 A study by an independent team of scientists carried out at the government 's request , has concluded that vast areas of natural habitats have been degraded , while the construction of 3,000 km of cattle fences has interfered with essential wildlife migration routes between protected areas such as the Kalahari , Okavango swamplands and northern grasslands .
7 Acceptance sampling is usually carried out at the customer 's premises and consists of examining samples of goods delivered , noting the number of reject , or unsatisfactory , items , comparing this number with an agreed acceptable quality level .
8 Now empty , decay and neglect are slowly eating away at the building 's fabric .
9 They challenged a man who was seen acting suspiciously at a horses ' rest home near their RAF base .
10 Hornby on the occasion rebuked Brixton for not looking properly at the CNAA 's regulations — and the College was subsequently to have its proposals approved .
11 As he rushed onwards it lengthened and curved , until he stood at the edge of a cold volcanic cauldron , looking down at the mountain 's secret , a still , dark lake which gleamed green at the foot of the crags .
12 In London in 1969 he concluded that Rolling Stone would be an extremely fashionable thing to be involved in , and dropped in at the magazine 's Maddox Street offices .
13 The singer later needed his prop when the rains came down at the band 's sell-out ‘ Finstock ’ gig .
14 But inevitably the break up occurs just at the band 's moment of triumph …
15 ‘ This type of thing eats away at a fighter 's heart — it 's like a cancer that has to be cut out .
16 The gillie , blind as a bat , was bashing away at the fish 's tail .
17 The announcement was made yesterday at the People 's Palace museum on Glasgow Green .
18 Permanent arrears were normally written off at a bishop 's death , so the figures give some indication of the rate at which they accumulated .
19 And then erm Cathy taking Dessy for and and her looking up at the Dessy 's head .
20 She checks daily that her changing bag is filled with essential and spare clothes and leaves it permanently packed in the hall ready to pick up at a moment 's notice so she 's never caught unprepared .
21 Both approaches are reflected in the report to annual parent meetings and both require a looking back at a school 's achievements in order that differences or improvements can be headlined .
22 In looking back at the department 's achievements , one has to accept that reorganisation which Judy and Simon have already referred to , has because of its sheer scale and impact on N C V O been something of an abiding preoccupation over the past twelve to eighteen months .
23 When she arrives back at the WPGET 's headquarters , she will find that Alison Nicholas , a key player in the 1992 Solheim Cup , has handed in her notice as a member of the WPGET 's board .
24 But as Dr Johannes Hallauer , Head of Communicable Diseases and Hygiene Section at the German Ministry for Health and a VHPB special adviser , pointed out , the degree of risk can not be calculated by looking solely at a person 's job title .
25 It was a Saturday night in February , and Jonathon Blagrave had done well at the town 's market .
26 The policy has been applied nationwide at the company 's 100 locations after a pioneering attitude survey at Reading , where 81 per cent of the workforce were found to be non-smokers .
27 Connon was standing a little apart from them , still looking across at the superintendent 's table .
28 For a moment he stood gazing balefully at the Corsican 's back as he turned away to pass on down the line .
29 Wh what , what was actually going on at the tenants ' group then ?
30 If anything had been brought in for you it had to be handed in at the screws ' table , and they had to sign the property book .
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