Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [num ord] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , assuming that the time elapsing between a subject 's decision to respond and the actual pressing of the button was about 75 milliseconds , subjects on average identified the target after having heard only the first 200 milliseconds of it .
2 Three hundred and forty years later , in 1918 , the National Education Association and the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools , in the United States , approved the so-called Certain Standards ( named after the chairman of its working party , Carl Caspar Certain ) which laid down the first standard specifications for a secondary school library .
3 Even if the pilot is fully aware of being close to the stall , he will instinctively hold off until the glider stalls down the last few feet rather than fly into obstructions at speed .
4 She caught only the last few words : ‘ the sooner this dangerous person is apprehended the better ’ , and switched off in frustration .
5 Make a second list of other pieces you think you would like when you can afford them , say over the next five years or so .
6 Hannon had picked up the first two races as well after starting the day with no confidence at all .
7 Continuing our top-down approach , we shall consider here the next three levels in Figure 8 : discourse type and the closely related levels of discourse structure and function .
8 A pyromaniac does n't throw away the last three matches .
9 Alistair MacDonald , the director , has seen the play germinate over the last 18 months from roots in the Gaelic Youth Theatre summer school in 1991 and an experimental workshop production at the Mod Fringe in Dingwall the same year .
10 The intro locks with the kick , adding subtle fills in the first four bars .
11 They were both of them talking in these high and ceremonious terms , Cadfael suspected , in order to smooth away the first sore moments , and give Sub-Prior Herluin time to master his chagrin , and achieve a graceful retreat .
12 I hope over the next few months to be writing about all these accessories in more detail .
13 Whatever the outcome , the liaison needs of the Branch Committee can not be ignored and so I hope over the next three years that this can be improved to enable a transition through which active liaison is maintained .
14 The classic one involves picking up stitches with your transfer tool , knitting about seven or eight rows , picking up the next three stitches and repeating along your edge .
15 Dawn found me stretched out on the bench below the War Memorial in Glencoe Village soaking up the first warm rays of sun and waiting for the shop to open .
16 ‘ Alan played a brilliant shot when he needed to open up the last two reds . ’
17 When the content of the advertisement has been confirmed and the advertisement initialled , MAS should carry out the last three steps shown for ‘ Placing a Business Opportunity advertisement by KPMG on behalf of a client ’ outlined below .
18 PREMIER John Major flew home from his Spanish holiday yesterday — ready to kill off the last lingering hopes of early economic recovery .
19 Sickness rose , vying with the pain , as she found herself piecing together the last few hours of Mark 's life .
20 However , they went on to comment that the assumed riskless rate of 6 per cent in Part 1 of the results may have been an over estimate , as Part II shows only the first 2 factors to be significant while the fifth factor lost all explanatory power .
21 The Fibonacci series is produced by adding together the last two numbers in a sequence to get the next number — 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 and so on .
22 He raced up the last few stairs and took her in his arms .
23 How to play out the last few seconds ?
24 I was still gagging up the last few dregs when somebody punched me on the cheek , sending the other side of my head banging against the metal wall of the shelter .
25 Then pick up the next two stitches and put them on needles 1 and 2 ( one already on needle 1 ) .
26 Pick up the next two stitches and put them on needles 2 and 3 ( one already on needle 2 ) .
27 Tutorials make up the first two days , followed by the main conference and associated exhibition .
28 Now click on the pencil icon and , using the appropriate colour , fill in the first three squares on both blank rows with colour one , the next three squares and two rows with colour two and so on .
29 Knit together the first two stitches but only knit three stitches before you do the next knit two together .
30 Next row : Knit together the first two stitches of the row .
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