Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] you [adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Er Joke went to Berty , and he says well you better tell her , you 've arranged it all !
2 ‘ Well , did n't you even ask him ? ’
3 Did n't you even get him a proper layette , the poor wee mite ? ’
4 ‘ Why did n't you simply ask me ? ’ she said .
5 ‘ Why did n't you just tell him the truth ? ’
6 Why did n't you just leave it in the erm inside the front player ?
7 But if you wanted to take your revenge and kill me , because of some ancient grudge against somebody who 's been dust for 200 years , then why did n't you just do it last night at my house ?
8 Why did n't you just put her back into bed !
9 Did n't you once say she had multiple sclerosis ? ’
10 Why did n't you bloody tell me ? ’
11 Did n't you ever think it might be a shabby move lifting it off the album — a lot of people have mentioned this to me .
12 Did n't you ever think it could be me who was sending the money ? ’
13 So she said do n't you fucking worry I am .
14 ‘ Why do n't you just leave it like that ?
15 Do n't you just love it when they do that !
16 ‘ Then why do n't you just give it to him ? ’
17 Why do n't you just stuff it in it 'll just !
18 Why do n't you just do it here ?
19 ‘ If you 've got the money and it was for a favour lasting a day or two , then why do n't you just tell him the arrangement is ended and let Barbara Coleman leave ? ’
20 ‘ Why do n't you just tell me who killed you ? ’
21 Well look why do n't you just sketch it out on there so I know the sort of thing that yo oh , you 've got one have you ?
22 Why do n't you just let me come and live up here as your guest ?
23 Why do n't you just ask her ? ’
24 Alright , we do n't , people do n't specify do they what car they want , don do n't you just provide it ?
25 Well why do n't you just say you do n't mind any of them ?
26 Well why do n't you just prewarn them before you 're gon na do it and say look I 'm no longer gon na use this bank I 'm er
27 Do n't you just adore him , Virgie ? ’
28 Why do n't you just cut it all up and put a curry sauce over it ?
29 Do n't you just hate them ?
30 Do n't you just hate it when that happens ?
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