Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] for [art] [adj] few " in BNC.

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1 But the preponderance of evidence about the computer business shows that the IBM name no longer has its old magic … and it has n't for the past few years .
2 I have n't noticed Reg writing much for the past few minutes , though .
3 ‘ I 've been fed up for the last few years and people have been telling me I am in danger of wasting my time .
4 It was an ancient emotion for Blanche , calling her home from the wasteland of tension and anger she had tramped across for the past few months .
5 It is common for patients to appear for their first out-patient appointment with one or other of these problems , which has been going on for the previous few weeks .
6 PLENTY of barmy things going on for the next few days , as the Festival of Comedy gets underway .
7 LLANDUDNO General Hospital will be virtually closed down for the next few days while the scale of the damage is assessed .
8 And when I got back for the last few weeks Mortimer had left … ’
9 Murrells spent ten years in the reserve , kept there for the last few years against his will because Mitchell considered him indispensable .
10 Turn inland for the last few miles . ’
11 Checking his watch he saw it was time to swim back to the canoe and his rendezvous with Roger Courtney , who had been paddling offshore for the last few hours , keeping the canoe head or stern towards the beach so that it was less likely to be seen .
12 Events lined up for the next few weeks include Indian dancer Bisakha Sarker performing as part of a Verbal Images event , a European Youth Dance Night , The Cholmondleys and V-Tol Dance Company .
13 They were but it , well it was an event , a big event in , in the , among the younger people anyway in Brooks in Willenhall then and er it was really lovely , really lovely I forget if we had to pay to go in , but er we had er we saved up for a good few weeks before , so that we would have some money to spend at the Wakes it was one of the an event of the year then , but erm I used to like Willenhall Wakes and er I used to go dancing a lot well I was allowed to go dancing cos I 've always loved singing and dancing you see and er I was allowed but I had to be home before my father got home , but I was n't always .
14 OSF 's singular appearance changes the rules the industry has been playing by for the past few years , narrowing the gap between the two camps , and allowing more room for the players to manoeuvre .
15 Watching on for the past few weeks have been a small handful of experts , among them Jim Railton of The Times , who 's been following the Boat Race for twenty years .
16 Jim concluded gloomily that in his view we should go on sliding downhill for the next few years .
17 I sat up for the next few nights , my head poking out of the back skylight of the loft , my ears straining for the tinkle of glass breaking or muffled curses , or the more usual signal of the birds being disturbed and taking flight , but nothing more happened .
18 When the goslings hatch , they will recognize the first moving object they see as the creature to follow around for the next few weeks .
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