Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] and for all the " in BNC.

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1 CPRW hopes that the Secretary of State will grasp the opportunity now before him to alter the pattern of development which has characterised this site for several decades , by challenging once and for all the aspiration of the current and any future owner , to establish a large and permanent residence for their tourist operations on the cliffs above Amroth .
2 Above all the aeroplane — in its infancy in 1914-18- threatened to transform the nature of warfare , eliminating once and for all the distinction between soldiers and civilians .
3 And what more radical initiative in education could be mounted than one which decisively disturbed the traditional partnership between central and local government in the management of education and which exploded once and for all the myth of ‘ the secret garden of the curriculum ’ ?
4 I do not have the slightest doubt that in Nottingham the money is available to do whatever is necessary to keep open those old people 's homes , and so remove once and for all the worry of hundreds of residents in those homes .
5 After his two trips into Benghazi , he had submitted proposals for a further expedition to destroy once and for all the harbour facilities .
6 But the strikers who have fought over so many months with so much courage and strength have achieved another kind of victory — they have exposed once and for all the myth of the TUC 's solidarity with exploited workers and in the process of doing so they have redefined the methods and outlook of industrial struggle .
7 ZOLA Budd-Pieterse tomorrow sets out to exorcise once and for all the wretched memory of her darkest hours back in Britain five years ago .
8 In a syndicated article that ran all over the country , The Washington Post summarised Strickland 's disclosures : ‘ Prof. Rick Heber 's group at the University of Wisconsin may have settled once and for all the question of whether the disproportionate mental retardation of slum children is the result of heredity or environment . ’
9 A general election last Thursday would have settled once and for all the political policies that the country will follow for the next few years .
10 The hiatus over the Maastricht Treaty caused by the Danish veto provides the leaders of Europe with perhaps their last chance to reject once and for all the notion of political integration .
11 When the " Geddes Axe " fell in February 1922 , it proposed cuts in the social services which alienated once and for all the Prime Minister 's last admirers on the left ; moderate Unionists like Stanley Baldwin disliked the Geddes Axe as being too arbitrary and too indiscriminate , but the rest of the party criticized it as too little , too late , and unlikely to be implemented anyway .
12 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
13 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
14 I could give many other examples which would kill once and for all the idea so often propounded by the opponents of local income tax that such a tax would not benefit people on the lowest incomes .
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