Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ruling groups have found that their interests are best safeguarded if they are supported by a work force which can not think for itself in the coherent way writing affords .
2 Members of the public took the opportunity to see for themselves in a unique open day .
3 Having watched television documentaries about life in East Germany , Becker was keen to see for himself for the first time .
4 It would be misleading to corrall all the donated works into feminist questioning of gendered identity ; one of the freedoms women have won for themselves over the last 20 years has been precisely those freedoms from conventional definition by gender .
5 It does not do any harm to have a look and see what firms say about themselves in the various directories , including The Legal 500 , The Chambers Directory of Solicitors and Barristers and The Law Society Directory .
6 However , the problem is that , if this is true , there is nothing whatever that I , in my capacity as a subject of experiences , can coherently and unequivocally say about myself as a corporeal subject ( not even that I do have a body ) ; and hence that , strictly speaking , the theory itself can not be clearly stated !
7 After all we were all leading aircraftsmen on the course and the officer element were acting pilot officers on probation who generally referred to themselves as the lowest form of animal life within the RAF .
8 To my mind that clinched the connection with Pegasus Farm , the Winged Pegasus being the emblem of the Parachute Regiment which used to be called the Red Berets ( when Richard Todd was making films ) but nowadays ( since American Football and Rambo ) referred to themselves as the Maroon Machine .
9 It is a method of RE which focuses on pupils ' own capacity to relate to themselves at a deeper level — to their own authentic feelings and insights .
10 curled on himself like a wild creature ,
11 A hollow-eyed Maltote had taken a strangely exhausted Ranulf off to their own lodgings so the clerk and his wife had dined by themselves in the small hall below and spent the rest of the time here in their bedchamber .
12 This information will be considered by ourselves at the key features review and due diligence stages .
13 The manner of Biggs 's defeat was to say the least surprising and on this evidence Mason has still a long way to go before he can think of himself as a genuine contender for the world championship .
14 No one would think of himself as an active non-smoker inclined to melancholy if that was n't encouraged , even demanded , by the form .
15 With the help of his neighbours and by studying every relevant historical record that he could lay his hands on , Gough was able to trace the personal history of every family in his parish — often through several generations — and to show , incidentally , that intermarriage between the long-established families strengthened the bonds that made people think of themselves as a special community somehow different from all the others .
16 Do you think of yourself as a latent graffiti artist ?
17 Did you think of yourself as a classical actor in those days ?
18 I did not think of myself as a racist but my experience of working in Ghana was making me irritable and critical , the first step on the way to making racist judgments .
19 ( Who , after all , ever thinks of himself as a bourgeois ? )
20 So he thinks of himself as a warm-hearted , caring human being .
21 She thinks of herself as a discursive fabric in which beliefs get lodged and are subsequently removed .
22 If they are still there , she added to herself as a dark afterthought .
23 He shook his head and clucked to himself like the White Rabbit in Alice .
24 But I 've never been one of those guys who set out to be a technical guitarist and I still do n't refer to myself as a technical player .
25 Basically these procedures attempt to teach the individual to talk to themselves in a confident and positive manner which anticipates success in the given task .
26 Damn Julius ! she muttered to herself in a great surge of resentment .
27 ‘ And for the sake of the greater justice , ’ Yeremi murmured to himself as a personal amen .
28 He ran a glass under the kitchen tap , then returned to the living room and , looking at himself in the full-length mirror all the while , stood there naked , shaking violently as if with cold , and poured himself and drank three glasses of water without stopping .
29 But now as she stood looking at herself in a full length looking glass , she could see that she had indeed what the magazines described as the perfect figure , firm round breasts , a narrow flat waist , good hips , a small posterior , and long slender legs which were greatly enhanced by the silk stockings the assistant had carefully rolled on to them .
30 She was looking at herself in the full-length mirror by the side of the bed , pulling great lumps out of her stomach and grimacing at her own image .
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